Time Topic Presenters Notes 5 min Meeting Administration
5 min Announcements
LFN TAC Technical Whitepaper Ranny Haiby 2021 Whitepaper Workgroup Our volunteer: (Beth Cohen to combine OPNFV and CNTT sections of 2020 Whitepaper ) "contribute - 1-2 hrs per week for ~8 weeks" (probably less) NEW Theme Proposals (others could contribute) Mailing list deprecation https://lists.anuket.io/g/main/subgroups 15 Feb 2021 (Yesterday!)Guidance to PTLs at their meetings AND mailing list Migrate to Anuket please... Anticipate Requests for Intern Project Proposals5 15 min Continue Release process discussions, Goals and Management Presentation (from the event)Summary from the Virtual Conference <link> ConclusionsNeed a candidate process to edit/work with for 1H 2021 Release! Each Release Process is an EXPERIMENT !!! Need to fix target dates very soon! https://wiki.anuket.io/x/bwBD David provides an outline of the necessary components/discussion to get us to a release process: Release Process Meeting today! 15 min Assuming a successful Anuket recruiting program , Anticipate new people in the specification WS and the Development Projects. Thus developer on-boarding needs to be really easy, incl. a comprehensive set of documentation, wiki, etc. What are the activities to accomplish this?10 0 min
10 min Wiki site updates Anuket Wiki page We'll use spaces to avoid namespace conflicts. But use with care. If you want sub-trees copied from CNTT or OPNFV wiki, send email to Jim Baker, identifying the root of the sub-tree. Jim will create the associated tickets with LF. How did we do on this call for action? Will we drop blank Wiki Pages from the Wiki? (#agree on this??) Further topics: Alignment of groups/IDs across LF LDAP and Github. Issue tracking (Jira/Github?). Active OPNFV JIRA users: New Instance for Anuket! let's drop much cruft of the past...15 min Active Repo Migration
DockerHub Migration
Contributor License Agreement → Only "DCO": Developer's Certificate of Origin
Jim Baker 10 min Workstream Leads/ Project PTLs standup (continued) Volunteers are needed to re-juvenate DOCS what's next? Projects write the documentation - the DOCS project is mostly about organizing and structuring the content. Can this be a small part of the Release process for Development documents? PHAROS -??? Can we get a view of the project-wide resources that are at our disposal, and how we manage them? Need a person to step up for this, it's an important job! STATUS still needed from: PTLs/Co-Chairs 0 min Jim Baker 5 min Status Updates
Linux Foundation Lab (Portland) hardware upgrade status LF IT/Infra update: ( Aric Gardner, Trevor Bramwell) gitlab POC GSMA interaction
5 min Future topics:
How do we figure out who are the WS stream leads AND PTLs in an automated way?