The CNTT (Common NFVI Telecom Taskforce) launched officially in June. Its mission is to define a common NFV Infrastructure to simplify the development and deployment of virtualized networking application for the telecom industry. The group held its first community wide F2F meeting with around 80 vendor and operator attendees, with the objective of gathering requirements for the contents of the Release 2 document. CNTT develops Reference Models and Reference Architectures. This is a wiki space for using those outputs to create Reference Implementations and Reference Certifications.
- Fu qiao (China Mobile) fuqiao@chinamobile.com
- Cédric OLLIVIER (Orange) cedric.ollivier@orange.com
- Trevor Cooper (Intel) trevor.cooper@intel.com
- Sridhar Rao (Spirent) sridhar.rao@spirent.com
- Lincoln Lavoie (UNH) lylavoie@iol.unh.edu
- Mark Beierl (Canonical) mark.beierl@canonical.com
- Chen Liang (China Mobile) chenliangyjy@chinamobile.com
- Bin Hu (AT&T) bh526r@att.com
- Kyle A Greenwell (Verizon) <Kyle.Greenwell@verizonwireless.com>
- <MBuil@suse.com>
- MURTUZA KHAN (AT&T) <mk721p@att.com>
- Rabi Abdel (Vodafone) <abdel.rabi@vodafone.com>
- William Bonnett (Verizon) william.bonnett@verizon.com
- Li Ying (China Mobile) liyingyjy@chinamobile.com
- Zhao Qihui (China Mobile) zhaoqihui@chinamobile.com
- Georg Kunz (Ericsson) georg.kunz@ericsson.com
- Pierre Lynch (Keysight) pierre.lynch@keysight.com
- Shiby Parayil (Iconectiv) sparayil@iconectiv.com
- Arif Khan (Voereir) arif@voereir.com
- Rajesh Rajamani rajesh.rajamani@spirent.com
Meeting Logistic:
- Reference implementation for Common NFVI
- Test Requirements for Common NFVI
Proposed Meeting Frequency:
- This project will meet on a weekly basis.
Proposed Release Schedule:
- This project is planned for the first release in 2020 Q1.
Key Project Facts
Project technical call:
Every Thursday at UTC 8:30-9:30
Minutes can be found in https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/CIRV/Meeting+Minutes
Project Name: Common Infrastructure Realization & Validation (CIRV)
Based what archived previously in OPNFV, currently there are several sub-projects included in CIRV classified by domain, software delivery validation (short for cirv-sdv), hardware delivery validation(short for cirv-hdv), much more project might be introduced with Anuket mission.
Repo name:
- CIRV: https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/admin/repos/cirv - main(primary) repo
- CIRV-SDV: https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/admin/repos/cirv-sdv - cirv software delivery validation
- CIRV-HDV: https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/admin/repos/cirv-hdv - cirv hardware delivery validation
- CIRV-RAPID: https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/admin/repos/cirv-rapid??
- CIRV_Spirent: https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/admin/repos/cirv-spirent - adjunct repo, dedicated to Spirent, used for uploading/managing code contributions for RI/RC validations in direct support of CNTT
Lifecycle State: Approved
Primary Contact: Chen Liang <chenliangyjy@chinamobile.com>
Project Lead: Chen Liang <chenliangyjy@chinamobile.com>
Jira Project Name: CIRV
Jira Project Prefix: CIRV
Mailing list tag: cntt-ref-imp@lists.opnfv.org