Attendees (TS
- Al Morton
- Beth Cohen (Verizon)
- Cédric Ollivier
- Emma Foley
- Frank Brockners
- Fu Qiao
- Georg Kunz
- Gergely Csatari (Nokia)
- Lincoln Lavoie (UNH-IOL)
- Ulrich Kleber
- Tom Kivlin
- Trevor Cooper
- Walter Kozlowski
- Karine Sevilla
Time | Topic | Presenters | Notes |
5min | Meeting Administration
| Co-Chairs | Merits of wiki vs. IRC were discussed. |
10min | Announcements
| Heather Kirksey Al Morton Walter Kozlowski | |
30min |
| PTLs/Co-Chairs | |
5 min |
| Walter | |
10min |
| Walter/Al | |
5min |
| OPNFV and CNTT mailing lists are being deprecated Request new "foo@lists.anuket.io" from Jim | |
15min |
| ||
5 min |
- Discussion of minute taking
- IRC is blocked for many telcos
- Minutes will go into the Wiki for today. We will figure out if IRC is viable or we can use another tool for attendees who are unable to join the Zoom.
- Al reviewed the overall agenda and how they typically work. Cedric mentioned that all the PTLs and workstream leads should add items to the agenda prior to the meeting to make sure it will be covered.
- Discussion onoff policy for recording attendence
Action Items
- type here