How we Work: 1 hour TSC meeting per week, augmented by weekly Technical Discussion meetings, off-line Voting on Wiki with comment periods, e-mail discussions.
Vacation Planning: Quorum Requirements, Proxy allocation policy
I expect more from TSC members than from the previous year: Showing-up at the TSC meeting once a week or voting on issues is just the beginning.
We need TSC members who are willing to volunteer to lead activities and participate in sub-committees to accomplish an important goal.
For anyone who participates outside the TSC meetings, that would mean reading the minutes, participating in off-line discussions and volunteering for the OPNFV activities that the TSC has agreed its members must lead.
I hope that you are all willing to affirm your active TSC membership: it’s not the same TSC anymore!
20 min
HPE Conformance tests
Review the HPE OVP submission and request for waiver on Bottlenecks and Yardstick tests.