TSC meeting December 16, 2014
- Approve previous minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Project repo's - Ray
- Meet-up and HackFest committee's - Chris & Ray
- Development process - Chris & All
- bootstrap update - Frank B
- continuous integration update - Ulrich K
- Project Approvals scheduled for December 9th
- Follow-up on action items
- Action Item: Tapio to create a proposal about how to use Git and Gerrit to review project proposals
- Action Item: LF will also setup registration for the Hackfest once logistics are finalized.
- AoB
- Best Wishes!
- Previous minutes approved
- OSCAR project to be further reviewed in the community prior to TSC review.
- Project repo's
- You can find repositories for approved projects at https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/#/admin/projects/
- Need to have a Linux Foundation account in order to be added as a committer. (Please use the corporate email address for the Linux Foundation account)
- For any technical issues, file a ticket by sending an email to opnfv-helpdesk@rt.linuxfoundation.org
- Meet-up and HackFest
- Frank Brockners setup etherpads for upcoming Meet-up & Hackfest in February. We will use these etherpads to list registration information and collaborate on goals, agenda, topics, etc.
- For Prague Hacfest, no suitable venue is available within walking distance of the ETSI meeting. Best recommendation is to go with Prague Marriott Hotel which is 15 minutes away by Metro (no transfer required and the Metro stop is very close the Marriott). The TSC came to a consensus to move forward with securing the venue at the Prague Marriott for the Hackfest (February 23-24)
- Development process discussion
- There was an agreement that there is a need for a discussion design process for requirements projects. [Action item: Bryan Sullivan to kickoff/facilitate this discussion]
- Good discussion on working with upstream projects and there were consensus on (1) identifying trial projects to provide guidance and (2) inviting members of OpenStack community to future OPNFV TSC calls.
- Project reviews
- Project name & committer check for the now Software Fastpath Service Quality Metrics project. Consensus that this is a Collaborative Development project and will be a good trial project to work through OPNFV' development process and working with the DPDK community. The project creation was approved via IRC vote.
- vSwitch Performance project: There was a question on hardware requirements and the project team responded that this is documented on Test & Infrastructure subteam wiki page. The project creation was approved via IRC vote.
Meetbot Minutes
TSC meeting December 9, 2014
- Approve previous minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Meeting sequences around the year end - Chris P
- Collaborative development projects - All
- One per Idea, or one per upstream community/project???
- Project Approvals scheduled for December 9th
- Committer check - Continuous Integration - Oct 29th
- Committer check - Virtualized Infrastructure Deployment Policies - Oct 14th / Discussed and Timer started on Nov 6th
- high availability for opnfv- Oct 29th
- Project: Bootstrap/Get started! - proposal Project: Bootstrap/Get started!
- Opnfv Telco Kpi Monitoring
- Characterize vSwitch Performance for Telco NFV Use Cases
- Follow-up on action items
- Action Item: Tapio to create a proposal about how to use Git and Gerrit to review project proposals
- Action Item: Dave Lenrow to propose initial release schedule on the WiKi
- Action Item: Ray to investigate the vote functionality on IRC
- Action Item: Chris Wright to begin discussion to review the project lifecycle
- Action Item: LF will also setup registration for the Hackfest once logistics are finalized.
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- Meeting sequences around the year end: No meetings on December 23 & 30. May decide to have an extra meeting on December 18th. Since January 6th is also a holiday in some regions, we will have the first TSC meeting of 2015 on January 8th (Thursday) before resuming the regular Tuesday TSC calls the following week.
- Collaborative development projects: Two approaches were discussed. The first is project is a use case/feature and engages as needed upstream. The second is project is upstream liaison and maps to upstream. Since there was no clear consensus after a lengthy discussion, suggestion was made to move this discussion to the mailing list. There was also a suggestion to use the first collaborative development project could be used as a pilot.
- Project proposals:
- Committer check for Continuous Integration (Octopus): Confirmed the updated list of committers. The Octopus project was approved via voting on IRC.
- Committer check for Virtual Infrastructure Policy project (Copper): Added more committers & contributors. The Copper project was approved via voting on IRC.
- High Availability for OPNFV: Qiao Fu (China Mobile) presented the High Availability project proposal. Based on feedback, updates were made to the list of committers/contributors and also for the scope to specify "requirements for HA API". The Availability project was approved via voting on IRC.
- Bootstrap/Get-Started: Frank Brockners (Cisco) presented the project proposal. Plan is to have something working for Release 1. Made update to the OS (Centos 7). Reminder that communication occurs daily on IRC and meeting information is on the wiki. The Bootstrap/Get-Started project was approved via voting on IRC.
- Telco KPI Monitoring: Mike Lynch (Intel) presented the project proposal. General consensus that the project name suggests something broader and could be confusing. Project team to come back to the TSC with a new project/repo name.
Meetbot Minutes
Special TSC meeting December 4, 2014 @6-7am Pacific Time
This meeting is to review project proposals only. Please use the same GoToMeeting logistics below to participate in the call.
- Project reviews
- Continuous Integration - Oct 29th
- Resource Management: - Oct 21st / Discussed and Timer started on Nov 6th
- Virtualized Infrastructure Deployment Policies - Oct 14th / Discussed and Timer started on Nov 6th
- High availability for OPNFV - Oct 29th
- Project reviews
- Resource Management (Promise): Ashiq Khan (DOCOMO) presented the proposal and described the current issue around resource reservation in OpenStack, that it is not possible to reserve resources for future assignment. There was a feedback to add use cases description in the deliverables and add email addresses of committers/contributors. The Promise project was approved by the TSC vote on IRC.
- Virtualized Infrastructure Deployment Policies (Copper): Bryan Sullivan (AT&T) presented the proposal and explained that the goal to determine when a resource has been allocated/deallocated according to a decision. There was a feedback that the list of committers plus project output need to be finalized/clarified. Bryan to make these updates prior to the next TSC call for a final vote (no further discussion needed).
Meetbot Minutes
TSC meeting December 2, 2014
- Approve previous minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Monthly board meeting overview - Chris P
- TSC project review and approval expectations - Chris P
- Project proposal process update - Chris W
- Upstream software strategy discussion and clarification - All
- OPNFV 1.0 - Release date and composition - Chris P
- Project engagement in Release 1
- OPNFV release deliverable clarification - Chris P
- Project Approvals scheduled for December 2nd
- Fault Management and Maintenance: - Oct 21st / Discussed and Timer started on Nov 6th
- Continuous Integration - Oct 29th
- Resource Management: - Oct 21st / Discussed and Timer started on Nov 6th
- Virtualized Infrastructure Deployment Policies - Oct 14th / Discussed and Timer started on Nov 6th
- High availability for OPNFV - Oct 29th
- Pending, future project reviews:
- Telco KPI Monitoring (https://wiki.opnfv.org/collaborative_development_projects/opnfv_telco_kpi_monitoring)
- Characterize vSwitch Performance for Telco NFV Use Cases (https://wiki.opnfv.org/characterize_vswitch_performance_for_telco_nfv_use_cases)
- Bootstrap/ get-started (https://wiki.opnfv.org/get_started)
- Simultaneous Release
- Simultaneous release process review and discussion
- Follow-up on action items
- Action Item: Tapio to create a proposal about how to use Git and Gerrit to review project proposals
- Action Item: Dave Lenrow to propose initial release schedule on the WiKi
- Action Item: Ray to investigate the vote functionality on IRC
- Action Item: Chris Wright to begin discussion to review the project lifecycle
- Action Item: LF will also setup registration for the Hackfest once logistics are finalized.
- AoB
- Previous minutes approved
- December board meeting overview: Chris Price reviewed discussions at the Board meeting. Chris communicated that there was a consensus from the Board to target March'15 release date with less functionality and get the process started.
- Project proposal process update: Chris Wright explained that the project proposal template was updated to match the Project Lifecycle document and to clarify that a project proposal should be of only one type. There was a general consensus to reduce the process overhead and there will be further discussions to accomplish this. Also a reminder that there is a 2 week public review period for proposals and TSC members need to review & provide feedback before the formal TSC review sessions.
- Upstream software strategy: There was a good discussion on which versions of upstream projects OPNFV should take. The group also discussed if there is a need for the Simultaneous Release (SR) for the first OPNFV release. There was a general consensus that the focus will be on the latest stable upstream release as a baseline for OPNFV and the SR can come after the first OPNFV release.
- Release date & composition: Again, there was an agreement that the SR is not needed for the first OPNFV release in March. The TSC agrees that the focus of the first release will be on the integration of upstream components into a platform, the development of our continuous integration process, and test projects focused on proving platform and NFV related functionality.
- Project proposal review
- Doctor: Ashiq Khan presented the revised Doctor requirements project to define requirements to improve fault management in VNFI components and an OpenStack-based VIM component. The Doctor project was approved by the TSC vote on IRC.
- Octopus/CI Project: Uli Kleber presented the latest Octopus proposal. One of the feedbacks was that the list of committers need to be finalized/updated. Uli will bring this proposal back to the next TSC meeting
- A suggestion was made that additional meetings may be needed for project reviews as there is a large backlog. There was a consensus to have a one hour meeting on December 4th at 6-7am Pacific Time just to review project proposals (instead of the weekly technical discussions call).
Meetbot Minutes
TSC meeting October 7th, 2014
- Approve previous minutes
- Agenda Bashing
- Project proposals and reviews
- Establishing baseline project proposals
- Project review process updates (4 week review phase)
- Upstream community engagement and discussion
- Simultaneous release project establishment
- TSC call logistics for October 14th
- Any other business
- Chris Price reminded attendees of the Antitrust Policy Notice posted on opnfv.org
- Decided to defer approving previous meeting minutes until next week.
- No new agenda topics proposed
- Next week's TSC meeting will be shortened to an hour (8-9am Pacific Time) to accommodate the Board meeting in Düsseldorf.
- Reminder to TSC members to send the delegate contact information to the TSC mailing list in case you are not able to attend. Proxy voting can be cast by the delegate or emailed to Ray Paik at the Linux Foundation (LF).
- Project proposals and reviews
- Project proposals should be posted at https://wiki.opnfv.org/project_proposals
- Use the template on the wiki and send an email to opnfv-tech-discuss
- A question was raised on when project proposals can be made. There was a general consensus that proposals can be made anytime. However, there would be a cutoff date for when a project will be included in a simultaneous release.
- There was a proposal & discussion on reducing the review period for project proposals from 4 weeks to 2 weeks. TSC members voted on this proposal and there were no objections. LF will update the Project Lifecycle document on opnfv.org.
- Upstream community
- Based on discussions at the face-to-face last week, the proposal is to target stable releases of upstream projects (e.g. OpenStack Juno, ODL Helium, etc.)
- Good discussion on effectively working with upstream projects: A liaison with upstream projects, have TSC oversight of people working upstream projects, etc. There was a general consensus that we can have a point of contact within TSC for upstream projects.
- Proposed action item for the TSC: Write down timeline for integrating with upstream projects identified to-date
- A gap analysis against upstream roadmaps will also be helpful
- Simultaneous release
- There was a consensus on the need to firm up the simultaneous release process
- Dave Lenrow will post a draft proposal on the wiki. Palani Chinnakannan also offered to help with this.
- There was a consensus on the need to firm up the simultaneous release process
- Continuous Integration (CI) project proposal needs to be posted ASAP. Ian Well/Uli Kleber/Chris Wright have the action item to start drafting this.
- The integration/testing project group has started scheduling follow-up meetings
- A reminder that a project proposal mostly captures scope. There is not need to document implementation plans in detail
- Once projects are approved, we need to create a project page on wiki and not make changes to proposal pages
- There was a question on how people can get visibility into projects. Once projects kickoff, each will have regular (e.g. weekly) calls with IRC and information will be posted on the wiki. Anyone can join meetings and access the wiki.
- A question on what will be accomplished in the first release. Some of the ideas suggested were things like data plane acceleration or distribution installer. However, it is probably too early to define the first release yet.
- Project proposals should be posted at https://wiki.opnfv.org/project_proposals
TSC meeting October 1st, 2014
- Antitrust compliance notice read
- TSC Chair Election:
- Voting was done via paper ballots plus e-mail votes from three TSC members who could not attend the meeting.
- Christopher Price (Ericsson) was elected as the first TSC Chair for OPNFV
- Future TSC meetings: There was a consensus to keep the TSC meetings open to everyone. (Anyone will be able to participate, but only TSC members can vote) Decision was made to schedule TSC meetings every Tuesday 7-9am Pacific Time. Meeting will be done via phone & IRC. Will also investigate switching to GoToMeeting.
- Face-to-face meetings: Will target 4 face-to-face meetings/year and look for events/conferences where a lot of TSC members will be in one place. Decision on the next face-to-face meeting can be made based on projects or project proposals.
- TSC Vice Chair discussion: There was a general consensus not to have a formal TSC Vice Chair position. If Chris Price is not able to chair/attend meetings, he will ask other TSC members to help.
- Getting to the first release in 1H'2015
- Discussion ensued on the first OPNFV release and there was a general consensus on the following items.
- Importance of identifying & working with upstream communities
- Development & release processes need to be defined and posted on the wiki
- Communicating to the Board what can be delivered in 1H'2015 (based on project proposals)
- Discussion ensued on the first OPNFV release and there was a general consensus on the following items.