For the August Governing Board meeting, we need to cover 3 specific areas (the headings below). Additional material has also been captured.
- Full Merger of equal communities: both activities are needed for success.
- OPNFV+CNTT=NewName (Community and Marketing determine NewName).
- No Customer-Supplier relationships within NewName, recognition of shared fate.
- OPNFV Release Cadence beyond JERMA is TDB, plus Release process already allows for frequent project self-releases, so any CNTT release schedule can be accommodated.
- CNTT Work Streams become individual Projects, with PTLs, Committers, Contributors, and Project descriptions.
- Build new WGs according to CNTT’s need for tiered structure
- Existing OPNFV projects could choose to continue to be independent projects or choose to combine with new projects being formed
- New TSC Elections and Officers (when organizations combine, possibly in January 2021?).
- Commitment from all OPNFV+CNTT members to supply a fixed amount of resources to both requirements and code development.
- New project to Integrate all relevant project outputs into a cohesive deliverable for automated Conformance testing.
- Reduce overall governance structure of OPNFV+CNTT, where possible. Reduce the overall number of meetings related to former CNTT activities.
Define Work Product, Interfaces and Dependencies
Development Project Release Artifacts
- Stable Project Repos
- Reference Model Documentation Jointly approved by GSMA (or moves to GSMA, similar question for Reference Architecture)
- GSMA members may participate
Interfaces and Dependencies
- Continue "Working Upstream": Open Stack, CNCF, other LFN projects (FDIO, ODL, ONAP, ...), ETSI NFV, IETF, others
Goals for this Option/Description
- Create a proposal that has advantages for the Governing Board, OPNFV, and CNTT.
- Help everyone recognize that the completeness of conformance testing is the common goal of all, and a unique opportunity for the success of all.
- Foster Trust, Transparency, and Truth.
Advantages over Current Mode of Operation
- Keep Requirements and Test Code Development together: OPNFV as an opensource and integration project for both OpenStack and K8s virtualization layers.
- Increase Communication and understanding of the level of effort involved to complete tasks among all contributors.
- OPNFV Charter and Website have been updated several times since January to fit CNTT requirements and mindsets (OPNFV 2.0)
- CNTT continues to enjoy LFN support for Zoom bridges, Program Management, Wiki Pages, Event Planning, etc.
- Data from LFN Support Survey indicates that < … results>
- Participation in both OPNFV and CNTT activities are stimulated by forming a complete conformance solution community.
- NewName Pros:
- send the message that it’s not business as usual
- help CNTT feel that it’s a partnership vs. becoming a small part of another organization and losing control.
Possible disadvantages
Use fact based points (check when done)