- Full Merger of equal communities: both activities are needed for success.
- OPNFV+CNTT=NewName (Community and Marketing determine NewName, if communities want it).
- No Customer-Supplier relationships within NewName, recognition of shared fate.
- OPNFV Release process already allows for frequent project self-releases, so any CNTT release schedule can be accommodated.
- CNTT Work Streams become individual Projects, with PTLs, Committers, Contributors, and Project descriptions.
- This can be a structure where the existing workstreams have 1:1 mapping to new formal projects, or some restructuring is possible/optional.
- This can be a structure where the existing workstreams have 1:1 mapping to new formal projects, or some restructuring is possible/optional.
- Build new WGs according to CNTT’s need for tiered structure (if any).
- Existing OPNFV projects could choose to continue to be independent projects or choose to combine with new projects being formed
- New TSC Elections and Officers (when organizations combine, possibly in January 2021?).
- Commitment from all OPNFV+CNTT members to supply a fixed amount of resources to both requirements and code development.
- New project to Integrate all relevant project outputs into a cohesive deliverable for automated Conformance testing.
- Reduce overall governance structure of OPNFV+CNTT, where possible. Reduce the overall number of meetings related to former CNTT activities.