Time | Topic | Who | Notes |
5 min | | | As agreed on changes to the minutes may be executed on the Agenda wiki page, with the aid of audio and text transcript available for 1 week. |
5 min | | | Weekly Technical Meeting Hosts: Sept - Sridhar Rao Thanks! Oct - Emma Foley Thanks! Nov - Georg Kunz Thanks! Dec - Lincoln Lavoie (yes, Lincoln!) MEC and NFV Plugtest: https://www.etsi.org/events/1840-nfv-mec-remote-api-plugtests-2021 - Cross-adoption possibilities - there is a shared goal here, between requirements and conformance.
20 min | OPNFV JERMA Release
- Status
- List of
- Agree on RC1, remaining milestones and dates ?
- RC1: (Wiki Vote that RC1 is met successful?)
- Technical Release:
- #agree to use wiki vote on to approve Technical release, including marketing message.
- Marketing Release: December 15
- How do we characterize the JERMA Release Test Suite?
- OPNFV provides the building-blocks (tests) for CNTT's RC.
- Repeatable, consumable, stable.
- Hand-off OPNFV-JERMA to RC activities and OVP badging (not the same)
- Main goal OPNFV-JERMA is to check if the test case integration/automation and requirement coverage.
- More specifically, is JERMA an RC Tech Preview? Prototype? Beta? Experimental?
- JERMA is the most comprehensive set of tests aligned to the CNTT RA-1 and RC-1.
- CNTT determines the definition of Compliance (test cases in RC).
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10 min | - Marketing message discussion - Review complete
- JERMA messaging doc: Google doc
- Wrap-up and Next steps.
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10 min | MELD Topics and status updates
- CNTT Merger and Meld
- Proposed Release Artifacts for Anuket (Trevor's Notes) Edited on , NEED to agree on a description - currently represents discussion at several meetings.
- Proposal for Interim Meeting Structure (first one, others possible)
- 90 minute meeting
- OPNFV Time-slot + 30 minutes
- 30 minute stand-up for PTLs and WS leads, and others
- 60 minutes for operational and deeper discussions leading to decisions.
- Converged work-flow or Tool chain: what do we recommend?
- under discussion -
- shift to gitlab is a continuing discussion and evaluation
- Release Naming - in 2021?
- Defer to MELD-ORG or Interim TSC: naming can remain independent.
- Anuket!
- Joint 2 hour session between Meld-ORG and Meld-OPS teams
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5 min | OVP Engagement status update
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10 min | Gitlab Pilot - Weekly place holder update
- Highlights from Georg Kunz 's Kuberef talk at Technical event
| | Notes from StorPerf migration: GitLab and StorPerf Evaluation tracker: https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/271347 |
0 min | OPNFV Project Reviews - SampleVNF Reorganizing: Future Review!
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5 min | Status Updates - OPNFV Linux Foundation Lab (Portland) hardware upgrade status
- LF IT/Infra update: (Aric Gardner, Trevor Bramwell)
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| Future Topics - Future Topic: upcoming ETSI NFV&MEC Plugtest ~Feb 2021
| - new template concept is on hold
Outstanding Action Items
IRC Meeting Minutes
- Quorum reached
- Minutes approved