EventList "/var/cache/pmu/GenuineIntel-6-55-core.json"
Cores ""
HardwareEvents "L2_RQSTS.PF_MISS"
Cores "1"
DispatchMultiPmu false
In above example events L2_RQSTS.CODE_RD_HIT,L2_RQSTS.CODE_RD_MISS and L2_RQSTS.ALL_CODE_RD are going to be monitored on
all available cores, and event L2_RQSTS.PF_MISS is going to be monitored on core 1.
Another example with only uncore events set:
EventList "/var/cache/pmu/GenuineIntel-6-55-uncore.json"
HWSpecificEventsHardwareEvents "UNC_CHA_TOR_INSERTS.IA_MISS:config1=0x4043200000000" "UNC_IIO_TXN_REQ_BY_CPU.MEM_WRITE.PART0"
Configuration Considerations
When using intel_pmu plugin number of reading threads in collectd should be increased. The value should be more than a half of configured cores, so for
60 monitored cores the recommendation is to set ReadThreads > 30 (e.g. 35).
Deployment Considerations