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5 min | Release Updates- Nile Release
- M2 is scheduled for Sept 13.
- Stable/Moselle patches
- 2022-07-26: Unmerged patches in the Moselle release that need to be completed. Patches were in place in time. Fabio needs to do the merge. Sandra Jackson will talk to Fabio to complete the task.
- Moving of Moselle release in the CNTT repo
- Update of Anuket website
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20 min | - EasyCLA support - Issue appears to be resolved.
- There are still some challenges to moving forward with the conversion to the new tools. The decision has been postponed to be revisited in the new year by the new TSC. Needs more discussion and consideration on how to move forward.
- Anuket specification sub-projects (cntt-n/cntt) to decide if they move to GitLab or stay in GitHub
| @Fabio |
2 min | - Leftovers from the merger
2 min | - New time for the Weekly Tech Discuss meetings
| Gergely Csatari |
2 min | - CCC updates
- Docs Project: revamp and develop a consistent place and process to manage documentation.
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2 min | | |
5 min | - Technical Officer Updates
1 min | AOB |