Need to vote on the proposal to start the next TSC on January 18th, New schedule is proposed to be the same as last year (Tuesdays 9AM EST). Proposal passed with no objections.
Note that the TSC Planning meeting will be rescheduled to allow EU based members to attend. More to come.
10 min
Collaboration with ITU on AI/ML for NFV (LFN/EUAG/Anuket/.. as Host)
After the recent Intelligent Networking webinar, ITU reached out to the community to request participation in their crowd sourcing collaboration projects that are related to AI/ML problems. There are different options to collaborate. There are some possibilities
Mixed bag in terms of the status of the release. Discussion of the documentation and the varying levels of the docs for the different types of artifacts. Software projects require docs as well as the requirements docs. The software and requirements projects need to align their docs. There will be a session at the Developers Workshop to discuss the issue that cuts across all the LFN projects.
Highlights of outstanding issues:
Docs for the various projects are not consistently completed.
Airship is not part of the release this time.
Barometer still needs to close several items. Emma Foley is hoping to complete these items by Dec 177, 2021
7 approved. 1 not paying attention.
From Me to Everyone 09:55 AM +1 From Walter Kozlowski to Everyone 09:55 AM +1 From Georg Kunz to Everyone 09:55 AM +1 From Jie Niu to Everyone 09:55 AM +1 From Ulrich Kleber to Everyone 09:55 AM +1 From Sridhar Rao to Everyone 09:55 AM +1 From acm to Everyone 09:57 AM +1 Vote closed = Agreed.
There are still some challenges to moving forward with the conversion to the new tools. There are some objects to moving. The decision has been postponed to be revisited in the new year by the new TSC. Needs more discussion and consideration on how to move forward.