- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- @AgendaAgenda:
- Linux Foundation Anti-Trust Policy No,
- Recording Policies:
- https://zoom.us/rec/play/uMAuIuyoqG43EtWS4QSDAf4oW9XsKP2s1CQW-fYNzxu3VSIGN1L3Z7YSNOX-H7MYUyogBuINABoVavXq?autoplay=true&startTime=1589371628000
Meeting Recording:
Agenda bashing
- GSMA OITF#7 Updates
- RA-1 and RC-1 publication as the GSMA documents
- Upcoming vF2F (in June) – Please register https://community.lfnetworking.org/events/details/linux-foundation-lfn-developer-testing-forums-presents-lfn-developer-testing-forum-june-2021/
- Topics can be created here under the Section titled "Create a topic Proposal ...."
- Update on joint XGVELA / Anuket PaaS Survey: Pankaj.Goyal – Draft Pared Down -- LFN PaaS Survey working on a survey to help guide the project.
- Update on Hardware Acceleration activities: Petar Torre (Deactivated) – Will be a discussion at the OITF that will feed back to Anuket
- Update on Networking Semantics activities: Per Andersson – Will be coming back next week with an update
- Update on Security activities: Karine Sevilla PR#2343 for the team review – Karine will do this later
- Stoareg related issues (mew): 2374, 2375, 2376
- Review and update on the Kali RM Issues and related PRs
- Global update to RM doc from CNTT to Anuket