- Hardware Delivery.
- Racking / Stacking
- Power On.
- Hardware configuration and (Validation – handled by CIRV-HDV).
- [N/W Configuration]
- cabling – already done
- BMC is connected – already done
- Link aggregation, OSPF, VRF, STP, security configuration, NTP, - need to make sure if this can be done by SDN controller(ZTE, Huawei, H3C). day-0
- SDN – discover & plan network.
- Cloud Deployment (Multiple Installer projects - Airship, Triple-O, Fuel, Kuberef, etc.)
In the real-world cloud deployment, network device configuration always takes a lot time, the reason could be network adjustment from cloud application, or lack of common definition. So to reduce the time for cloud deployment, we need a flexible fc automation tool to configure network devices.
Existing challenges
1,time consuming, multiple reconfiguration, so machine readable configuration is needed
2,no uniform way to provide configuration for SDN controller –
In order to do that, we will need define common architecture configuration requirements as reference for network devices, and a flexible automation tool which will take user network configuration requirements/preference and network planning as input.