Brandon Wick Heather Kirksey Bob Monkman (Deactivated) Beth Cohen Scot Steele Jill Lovato
- AT&T Feedback on Recruiting
- Anuket Assured Verification Program Structure
- Anuket Messaging
- Anuket Ambassador Logo / Badge Items
- Anuket & EUAG
- K-Release
AT&T Feedback on Recruiting
Scot/Mark Cottrell synch. Feedback:
- Need to attract more suppliers.
- Need clear WIIFM statement for each stakeholder.
- Social responsibility aspect → get peer to peer discussions started with prospects
- Anuket Ambassadors good but not going to happen until an Andre talks to another CTO/CIO to pitch active participation/resources.
- Outputs (RI/RC/RA supporting test tools) → who would use? Labs. Evaluate CNIs, Dataplanes, deployment issues. What would accelerate your work?
- Model Idea: Spreadsheet (one for operators, one for vendors). Time to deploy VM? Approximate costs (current model). Here's a new model, here are the benefits X, Y, Z.
- How to structure? How to do this collectively in a targeted fashion. E.g. pain points. EUAG producing, and contributions growing. RM clear, RA clear, (but how to get to RC?)
- Program for inter-operator work? What will solve the business challenges? Tangible outputs → whitepapers.
- Revisit exec sponsors for State fo the Union
- Need to start looking at workload testing at some juncture.
Anuket Assured Verification Program Structure
Badging Proposal:
Verification Slides DRAFT: There was general consensus on the framework, display options. The website can be developed on the LFN site but the cards will feed in from the LFN landscape (under development). Brandon will work on next round of badges/tags with CS team.
Heather to follow up with CVC details.
Anuket Messaging
Need one slide with About Anuket Marketing priorities for LFN Marketing Plan (initial slide here very rough). See ONAP Example.
Need a short summary about what they is doing to drive toward more secure networking (in 3 sentences or fewer). Due Mar 28. See ONAP Example:
"Security is ingrained in the ONAP software development process. It begins with a set of security requirements which all software components must meet, goes through security configuration best practices, and ends with security testing. The CII security framework helps developers create secure, high quality software modules.”
If no security group, Some material in RN document, Beth to take a first pass, bring up with TSC.
Anuket Ambassadors
Swag options complete (Review as team)
- Joint EUAG / Anuket session for June LFN Developer & Testing Forum. Beth/Scot to synch on session proposal/agenda.
- "Joint Anuket and EUAG discussions on mutual shared interests." Alignment/Goals?
- Show slides
Release name Kali (a river in India). (Hindi Goddess as well / religious overtones). Is it offensive? Marketing team tasked with making a recommendation.
- Anuket / XGVela PaaS Survey also a session for discussion at tech event.