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12 weeks, if the Intern is working Full-time.

Sl. No.Activity by Intern/Researcher(s)                                                              WeekComment / Support from Advisor (s)               Updates by Rohit Singh Rathaur

Understand the state of art - Publications and OS projects

Analyze the Gaps.

Create a 1-Page report based on the analysis.

Identify the problems in NFV for which the techniques are still not good enough.


Share the State of the art survey.

Provide initial gap analysis.


Deploy the ML Framework (Tentative: LFN Acumos).

  • Document the usage workflow
  • Try any existing model.

Provide access to the server(s).

Intel Pod?


Collect, analyze and document the implementation of 3 existing models for NFV.

Collect the data.

1Provide the 3 models to use.

Deploy the models on the framework (2)

Collect the data (contd).

5Test and optimize the models - If possible.2Suggestions for optimization approaches.
6Study ML technique for Synthetic time-series data generation (STSDG)1Suggest the right technique
7Implement the technique for STSDG2

8Test and optimize STSDG1

9Knowledge Transfer, Handoff (Buffer)1