- Anuket Ambassador Program
- Anuket Proof Points
- Anuket Assured Draft Badge Review
- K Release Planning
Anuket Ambassadors Program
Goal: half-dozen folks from a variety of places.
Current Submissions: Gergely Csatari, Beth Cohen, Bob Monkman, Walter Kozlowski. On the Way: Scot Steele.
Question: How many more do we need? More diversity? Do we make 1:1 Outreach?
Ideally we'd have a couple more. Orange? Riccardo Gasparetto still involved (running container track RA2, taking over from Tom).
Anuket Assured Draft Badge Review
Review Updated Draft Available Here.
Need to settle on release names for the Anuket Assured Test Suites, e.g. OVP used
YYYY.MM format. This will not go on the bad itself; rather, on the Product Card in the LFN Landscape. This correlates to the "Indication of Release" box in the draft product card.
Do we look to use the Date Format or perhaps tie back to release names? Dates may infer something is "outdated" when that is not the case. Will be one release cycle behind Anuket release. Either way, we need to build knowledge about what you're getting in that test suite. How to indicate other projects (e.g. ONAP, CNCF)? Date indicates a point in time (with x, y, z versions of each contributing project).
Need to also check back on Card Format Overall. Current Draft Version seen here.
CVC Integration: Starting out with GitLab. Starting with a verification sandbox. Workflow being developed, Lincoln on point. Will synch with AA marketing and Landscape workflow. JB: Will set up another repo for this.
Jim: Lincoln wants to make this workflow as automated as possible in GitLab. If company A wants a badge, they stand up their infra, they run a test, submit to public repo, licensed under CC like docs, peer reviewed by Lincoln and team and go/no on badge awards (w/ or w/o waivers). Once acceptable, we ask CVC community to make repo entry to landscape, and badge sent to applicant. Step 1: Raise topic on Anuket TSC.
Beth to synch with TSC next week and EUAG the following week.
Kali Release Promotion
Kali Blog Posted on LFN Blog and Anuket Blog July 6.
Fully Merges work of CNTT + OPNFV
What other marketing could/should we do? (Slide, Graphics, Slide, Social, Email). Note: This will be featured in the next week's LFN Q2 Newsletter.
Jim Baker leaving LF in a week! Coverage Plan Under Development.
Parking Lot
Need Updated Anuket onboarding steps (build from CNTT model). Brandon to take first pass.