- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- John Hartley (Ericsson)
- Karine Sevilla (Orange)
- Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated) (GSMA)
- Pankaj.Goyal (Microsoft)
- Agenda:
- Linux Foundation Anti-Trust Policy No,
- Recording Policies:
- Agenda Bashing
- Announcements
- LFN DTF Seattle Nov 17-18 Registration open for LFN DTF: https://community.lfnetworking.org/events/details/linux-foundation-lfn-developer-testing-forums-presents-lfn-developer-testing-forum-november-2022/
- ONE Summit Seattle Nov 15 - 16
- Call for paper is open: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/one-summit-north-america/program/cfp/#dates-to-remember until Friday, July 29 at 11:59 PM PDT
- Registration is open https://events.linuxfoundation.org/one-summit-north-america/register/
- Review Action Points from 13/07/2022
- Rodrigues, João (Nokia): Hexa-X project (6G flagship project in Europe) in relation to Multi-Cloud
- Nile scoping: review open Issues and create Umbrella Issues, scope definition due on M1: 2022-08-16, scope freeze M2: 2022-09-06