- Riccardo Gasparetto (Vodafone)
- Karine Sevilla(Orange)
- Pankaj.Goyal(Microsoft)
- Trevor Cooper (Intel)
Agenda and Minutes:
- Antitrust notices
- Walk-in items
- AOB & Project review
- https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/projects/10
- Issue 995 - secrets management - may be obsolete
- went through backlog and cleaned up duplicates
- promoted issues 2396, 2509, 2511 to To do
- adding the D7T forum issues to moselle
- added issues 2788 and 2789 on monitoring & telemetry - Riccardo Gasparettoto contact Emma Foley for sync with Barometer
- CNF packaging, moved issue 2511, check with Marian Darula what has been decided in ONAP re: Helm already: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/Application+Service+Descriptor+%28ASD%29+onboarding+IM
- Application requirements - ask Gergely Csatariwhat kind of requirements do we need for workloads? - Trevor Cooper how does this relate to CNCF TUG requirements? Riccardo Gasparettoonly requirements that are a direct consequence of infrastructure specs
- Service Mesh - added issues 2790 for requirements and 2791 for specs
- Hard Multitenancy & caas cluster LCM - added 2792
- Permanent FYI
- CNF Working Group within CNCF - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YFimQftjkTUsxNGTsKdakvP7cJtJgCTqViH2kwJOrsc/edit
- Actions/Next steps
- Walter please merge 2733 so we can start working on the new rst files Walter.kozlowski