- Names and affiliations of the committers
- Dan Xu (Huawei)
- Rihab Banday (Ericsson)
- Georg Kunz (Ericsson)
- Victor Morales (Samsung)
- Trevor Cooper (Intel)
- Michael Pedersen (Intel)
In order to contribute to the project, please contact Rihab Banday Dan Xu. The project links can be found below.
- Project meeting is combined with the weekly CNTT RI-2 meeting.
- Gerrit Repository: kuberef
- Jira: https://jiralf-anuket.opnfvatlassian.orgnet/projects/KUB/issues/
- Slack Channel: #kuberef (Link to invite: https://join.slack.com/t/linuxfoundationtalk/shared_invite/zt-l62l41v4-lZ26gvfW3H7Nup496Ng49g)