Zoom link:
- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- Karine Sevilla (Orange)
- Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated) (GSMA)
- Agenda:
- Linux Foundation Anti-Trust Policy No,
- Recording Policies:
- Agenda Bashing
- Announcements
- RM Meetings, new times for the Southern Hemisphere summer time and Northern Hemisphere winter time zones:
- Wednesdays at 22:00 in France and Germany, 21:00 in Portugal, 14:00 in Denver, 8:00 on Thursday in Melbourne; (after 6th of November): supported; Walter to extend current invites until 6th of November
- Cadence: bi-weekly.
ALL: We need to speed up our work to resolve issues in the Nile scope (M4 at 29th of November 2022), see status and actions in the table below:
Issue # Deliverable Comments 3088 CLOSED Cloud Infrastructure Lifecycle automation; chapter restructure Integration to ODIM (TBC)
PR#3210 by Walter.kozlowski approved and merged, PR#3220 (moving Automation to the end of Chapter 9) approved and merged; PR#3222 approved Integration to ODIM (TBC)
PR#3210 by Walter.kozlowski approved and merged, PR#3220 (moving Automation to the end of Chapter 9) approved and merged; PR#3222 approved and merged and merged
2984 Storage Scenarios John Hartley to create contents and PR(s), high priority, John Hartley PR in the week of 14th Nov
2666 Principles for storage John Hartley to create contents and PR(s), in collaboration with team; topic for RM meeting on 23/11 (possibly no content change, but editorial changes)
2578 Storage for Multi-cloud John Hartley to create contents and PR(s), mainly editing; to be discussed at RM meeting on 23/11
2804 CLOSED Multi-cloud security and regulatory aspects in Chapter 8 Walter.kozlowski and Karine Sevilla to discuss contents and create PR(s); Karine Sevilla to start review and updates, Karine Sevilla will add contents based on white paper on 5G pn responsibility vs accountability Evolving-5G-Security-for-the-Cloud-2022-InDesign.pdf. - PR#3246 approved and merged
2840 BACKLOG Requirements for hybrid multi-cloud security in Chapter 7 Karine Sevilla to move this issue to backlog, and create another one for updates of references
Karine Sevilla to add new references but not requirements, replaced by Issue 3247
3080 Hybrid Multi-Cloud Catalog Management John Hartley to create contents and PR(s), highest priority, John Hartley PR in the week of 14th Nov
3136 CLOSED Alignment of Hybrid Multi-Cloud interaction model with LCM Automation PR # 3239, 3240, 3241: approved and merged
PR#3234, 3235 approved and merged
3095 BACKLOG Alignment with industry standards relating to instantiating hybrid multi-cloud environments Needs further team discussion and input in the next release
2067 BACKLOG Review of use cases to BACKLOG for 6G see Issue#3214, other use cases - moved to backlog
3120 CLOSED Hardware Acceleration updates References to the latest O-RAN WG6 specifications added, PR#3242, 3243 - approved and merged
3214 6G Requirements & Architecture Rodrigues, João (Nokia) created PR#3253, 3254, 3255 - under review
3247 Security references update, replacement of Issue#2840 Karine Sevilla created PR#3249 - under review
3223 Energy consumption metrics Xavier Grall created PR#3258, 3259 - under review
- Actions :