RA2 | Riccardo Gasparetto | - GSMA Publication - NG.139 docx created and submitted to GSMA
- Update Kubernetes version - to 1.26
- Add Express Data Path (XDP)
- Fixes: clarify gaps, security requirements
| - RA2 is consolidating as the most comprehensive industry wide set of specifications for Kubernetes Telco Cloud - acceptance as a GSMA standard is confirming this status.
- K8s release upgrade keeps RA2 aligned with the upstream communities and provides new features and fixes (e.g. IPv6 Dual Stack and Pod Security Admission Controller)
- Express Data Path is beneficial to data plane users of Anuket as a Linux-native network acceleration technology
| RA2 closed PRs: https://github.com/anuket-project/anuket-specifications/pulls?q=is%3Aclosed+is%3Apr+project%3Aanuket-project%2F1+ |