5 min 2 min Announcements
F2F DnTF 2023.11.13 - 2023.11.16 - Budapest Open Infrastructure PTG ONE Summit Regional Day: Bilbao 18 Sep 2023 Co-located with the Open Source Summit and with the LF Europe Member Summit Feedback from the Sylva TSC ONE Summit Regional Day: China 26 Sep 2023 ONE Summit Regional Day: Bangalore 30 Sep 2023 Not co-located with other events ONE Summit - San Jose Where is the wiki? ticket A: Sandra to send out a mail to say that the deadline is end of day this Friday.
5 min Sandra Jackson
5 min Value of Anuket / Anuket Task force ( https://wiki.anuket.io/x/CgBWAw ) A very subjective project health assessment Kubref - Ask Dan Xu about status. Generally has not been actively been worked on for months Barometer - most probably there is no PTL and/or contributors - Ask Emma Foley about Barometer status – Note sent in Linkedin. Vineperf - Probably there is no PTL Thoth – PTL ( Rohit Singh Rathaur ) RM - active, but heavily relies on Walter Kozlowski as a PTL, who is doing the work to move to GSMA docs repository and updates to add new technology RA1 - mature, only doc theme related changed in Orinoco RI1 - mature, only doc theme related changed in Orinoco RC1 - practically merged to RA1, no changes in Orinoco RA2 - Active, but limited on resources (3 active contributors) RI2 - Active, but limited on resources RC2 - Cedric Ollivier is now PTL and re-activated. 1 active contributor Functest, functest-kubernetes - active, relies on Cedric Ollivier alone Discuss in TSC Should we archive the inactive projects? We need to synch with the project contributors on this. Discuss Vineperf and Thoth status Focus resources on RM, R*2 and functest* A: Gergely Csatari to send out the assesment to the Tech Discuss mailing list 5 min Orinoco - Orinoco Home #3389 : [GOV]: Removing of James Gu from CODEOWNERS A: Beth Cohen to draft a blogpost about Orinoco A: Fabio Palumbo to check if creating a branch to vineperf, thoth, kuberef, barometer and opnfvdocs can be done by only pushing a branch or it needs some Releng magic. A: Gergely Csatari ask the committers of vineperf, thoth, kuberef and barometer to create branches A: Fabio Palumbo to do update the releng job to use the release branch in vineperf, thoth, kuberef, barometer and opnfvdocs A: Gergely Csatari to create the branches in Readthedocs A: Gergely Csatari to doublecheck the M5 criteria A: Gergely Csatari to doublecheck if the readthedocs branches were created Pieman planning New release names
5 min Ownership of governance related files and folders: Gergely Csatari This is merged now Can be removed from here Action item is still open 2 min Gergely Csatari , Beth Cohen SPC meeting yesterday AI SIG to be formed To collect recommendations for the board about AI and ML A: Sandra Jackson to share the slides 2 min Walter Kozlowski nominated himself as the committer representative for the LFN board Vote for him. He can be our voice in the board! RM is restarting next week after the holidays Thoth Will submit their talk to the Budapest DnTF. About the past and future work of Thoth RA2 Should also propose a session for the DnTF. A: Gergely Csatari to start a discussion in the Slack
5 min Technical Officer Updates We will use the timeframe of the weekly tech meeting for the task force discussions Barometer 1 min AOB Beth Cohen None Sandra on PTO September 26th