Zoom link:
Please add your name in here:
- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- Agenda:
- Linux Foundation Anti-Trust Policy No,
- Recording Policies:
- Agenda Bashing
- Announcements
- NG.126 v2 (Kali release RM) officially published by GSMA NG.126 Cloud Infrastructure Reference Model v2.0 (Current)
- LFN Developers and Testing virtual conference 10 - 14 January, 2022 LFN Developer & Testing Forum January
- Lakelse M3 (Contents Freeze) date moved by TSC to November 4, 2021
Multi-cloud Security - contents discussion: Multi-cloud Security - Issue #2314PR#2595 merged, 2596 merged, Issue#2314 closed
- Multi-cloud (general) -contents discussion: Update RM Ch8 -- Multi- and Edge Cloud - Issues #
2314,2568,2574,2578PR#2629 (Multi-clod Interactions) responding to Issue#2574 - MERGED
- Storage - Issues#
2056,2568,2575,2576, 2578PR#2659 - General Storage Model - MERGEDPR#2661 MERGED
Networking Semantics - Issue#2420 - Per coming back on 27th September to take care of PR#2572PR#2572 MERGED, Issue#2420 CLOSED
Hardware Acceleration - Issues#2342 - Petar to review and approve (if no further comments)PR#2593 - MERGEDPR#2641 MERGED
- Security - Issues
2481,2482,2540,2541,2542,2589PR#2620 (Vulnerabilities) responding to Issue#2481 - MERGEDPR#2633 (Image) MERGED- I
ssue #2541 - Security Prod vs NonProd, PR#2685 MERGED, PR#2660 MERGED Issues #2540 - NIST refernce for service mesh - PR#2655 MERGED- Issues #2542 - Software BOM - PR#2657 in review
- PaaS -
Issue#2567,PR#2631 MERGED
- Automation - Issue#2087, "nice to have", changed to BACKLOG
- Others - Issues#2603,2609 - relate to all GitHub documents, automated numbering, removing html - technical discussion
- Lakelse Schedule - Anuket - Anuket
- M3 (Contents Freeze) - 4th of November 2021
- RM Plan for Lakelse in Lakelse Specification Planning Dashboard