This page is intended to develop new governance for TSC proxies. Once the TSC agrees on the language, then the tentative plan is to insert the documentation into the TSC procedures document. This issue is documented in
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This Version Approved by the TSC on January 21, 2020.
Section 5. TSC Member Proxy.
TSC members should make an effort to attend all TSC meetings and related activities. However, it may be necessary for a TSC member to miss one or more meetings due to illness or other unavoidable personal or professional commitments. The purpose of this section is to provide guidance to the community for the use of proxies. This policy is in-force from the date of approval, and not retroactive on current proxies.
Proxy Eligibility
In order to maintain the objective that the TSC should consist of active contributors, a proxy must be an active contributor, as identified in the last annual community election. An exception may be made if approved by a vote of the TSC.
TSC member status
A TSC member may not be a proxy for another TSC member, unless approved by the TSC (by vote or #agree).
Concurrent proxy
A proxy for one TSC member may not also serve as the proxy for another TSC member, concurrently.
in general, a proxy should not serve for more than 10 6 consecutive meetings, unless approved by the TSC. In addition, a TSC member may not designate a proxy for more than 25% of the meetings in a TSC term (typ 1 year), unless approved by the TSC. If a TSC member anticipates being unavailable for longer than that, then they should offer to step down. An exception may be made by vote of approval of the TSC.