Please add your name to the list
- lGergely Csatari (Nokia)
- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)
- Beth Cohen (Verizon)
- Ildiko (OSF)
- Al Morton (AT&T)
Antitrust policies
- Linux Foundation Anti-Trust Policy
- GSMA Anti-Trust Policy Notice
- Recorded Policies:
Action item register
- Gergely Csatari to figure out if we can set up a meeting in a way that all joining participants are initally muted
- Trevor Bramwell to check how difficult is to move pr-s, issues, branches and projects from GitHub to GitLab?
- Gitlab will import all Github Issues & PRs (comments and labels), code (all branches), wikis, and milestones. If a Github user has not logged into Gitlab and associated their Github ID, PR and issue comments will be associated with the importing user.
We will want to ensure CNTT contributors have logged into Gitlab with their Github ID before the import. I will confirm if this is retroactive (user logs in after import) or not.
- Gitlab will import all Github Issues & PRs (comments and labels), code (all branches), wikis, and milestones. If a Github user has not logged into Gitlab and associated their Github ID, PR and issue comments will be associated with the importing user.
- Trevor Bramwell clarify the migration plan
- Trevor Bramwell clarify how can we adopt the current user roles of the CNTT repo to GitLab
- Gergely Csatari ensure that we can have a discussion with someone from LF Legal about the charter.
- All: Read the current Anuket, the CNCF and the XGVela charters and decide next week on which one we should base the new Anuket charter
Organisation topics
- N/A
Technical topics
Anuket Charter and TSC Procedures revisions - Gergely Csatari - 60 min
- Anuket Charter and TSC Procedures revisions
- The current charter is a slight update of the OPNFV charter with some minor changes. The charter needs to be modified so it can work for Anuket. Pankaj.Goyaland Gergely Csatariboth added comments and suggests on how the text should changed. Process to update is the Technical Committee edits the Charter, then LF Legal reviews it, finally, the Anuket TSC will vote on accepting it. The content of the Charter should be only the legally required procedures to maintain the TSC governing body. The details of how the project is managed should be moved to the guidelines document. Discussion of contributors and committers, need to look at the roles, need to better define the roles, possibly add more roles, reviewers, technical leads, etc. Suggestion to have one role defined in the Charter – contributor, the definition would be very broad. all the details about other roles would be moved to the guidelines document. The mechanism for how the TSC authorizes the changes to the guidelines, is specified in the charter. The Charter scope and mission will be taken from the Mission and Scope that was developed by the marketing team. Discussion of the makeup of the TSC. Recommended that we keep the TSC with two roles – operators and others. Pankaj.Goyalsuggests that we use XGVela as the base charter or use the OPNFV charter and pull in text from the CNCF and XGVela charters. Make a decision next week on which way to go. Everyone review the docs.