Zoom link:
Please add your name in here:
- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- Suresh Krishnan (Deactivated)(Kaloom)
- Per Andersson(Kaloom)
- Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)
- Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated) (GSMA)
- Ildiko (OIF)
- J. T. Williams (Dell)
- John Hartley (Ericsson)
- Ulrich Kleber(Huawei)
- Petar Torre (Deactivated) (Intel)
- Saad Sheikh SID (Dell)
- Agenda:
- Linux Foundation Anti-Trust Policy No,
- Recording Policies:
- Storage: discussion was led by John Hartley. As an outcome, John is planning to:
- Review RA-1 and Ra-2 storage contents to plan a consistent storage story across these three specs
- Comments directed to the storage story to be: application and use case driven, conceptual rather than technology specific
- Create detailed GitHub issues following form an overall Issue #2056; these issues will (after discussion and approval of RM meeting) create the scope for Lakesle
- Automation for Cloud Infrastructure: discussion led by Saad. As an outcome, Saad is planning to:
- Review the proposed contents against the existing specs (RA-x, RC-x)
- Clarify what aspects are specific to IaC vs general CI/CD pipeline (which generally would be out of the Anuket scope)
- Clarify delineation between VNF/CNF and Network layers, as per the discussion at the meeting
- Present the updated contents for further discussion and acceptance by the RM meeting, which will allow creation of respective GitHub Issues to define the Laksle scope for this topic
- Semantic Networking: discussion led by Per. As an outcome, Per is planning to:
- Move the contents of PR#2546 to RA-2
- Create a new Issue/PR for RM to discuss the topic on a conceptual level (not on K8s level) as an introductory material for the RA-2 detailed K8s discussion.
- Hardware Acceleration: discussion led by Petar. As an outcome, Petar is planning to:
- Align/map our contents (especially in and around diagram Fig 3-17) to the model discussed in ORAN O-RAN.WG6.AAL-GAnP-v01.00.pdf (especially around ORAN's Acceleration Layer concept)
- Multi-cloud: discussion postponed to the next RM meeting due to the lack of time
- Previous comments fromthe team: Needs to be use case driven:
- see sample use cases: ETSI GR MEC 035 V3.1.1 (2021-06): Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC); Study on Inter-MEC systems and MEC-Cloud systems coordination Inter-MEC-cloud-systems-coordination-ETSI-gr_mec035v030101p-2021-06.pdf
- For OPG see their latest PRD document OPG.02-v1.0.pdf
- Previous comments fromthe team: Needs to be use case driven:
- Lakelse Schedule - Anuket - Anuket
- M2 (Scope Freeze) - August 31