Agenda and Minutes:
- Antitrust notices
- Orinoco
- AOB & Project review
- Permanent FYI
- CNF Working Group within CNCF - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YFimQftjkTUsxNGTsKdakvP7cJtJgCTqViH2kwJOrsc/edit
- Kubecon 23 - cloud Native Telco day schedule - https://colocatedeventseu2023.sched.com/overview/type/Cloud+Native+Telco+Day
- https://colocatedeventseu2023.sched.com/event/1Jo7G/lessons-we-learned-from-deploying-cloud-native-telco-cloud-for-5g-riccardo-gasparetto-stori-tom-kivlin-vodafone
- Panel: Looking Ahead to the Future with Project Sylva, Energy Efficiency & Telco Cloud Platforms - Niki Manoledaki, Weaveworks; Philippe Ensarguet, Orange Business Services; Gergely Csatári, Nokia; Tim Irnich... Amsterdam RAI
- Telco Community Gathering - KubeCon EU 2023: https://github.com/cncf/cnf-wg/issues/256
- Actions/Next steps
- Reference Architecture 2
- PR 3324 - typo - merged
- 3 PRs on bibliography - merged
new project for RA2 dashboard -https://github.com/orgs/anuket-project/projects/1/views/1
- 3,10,17 April - no RA2 meeting
- meeting again on the 24th of April