- oxZOAQ)
- A very subjective project health assessment
- Kubref - Ask Dan Xu about status. Generally has not been actively been worked on for months
- Barometer - most probably there is no PTL and/or contributors - Ask Emma Foley about Barometer status – Note sent in Linkedin.
- Vineperf - Probably there is no PTL
- Thoth – PTL (Rohit Singh Rathaur )
- RM - active, but heavily relies on Walter Kozlowski as a PTL, who is doing the work to move to GSMA docs repository and updates to add new technology
- RA1 - mature, only doc theme related changed in Orinoco
- RI1 - mature, only doc theme related changed in Orinoco
- RC1 - practically merged to RA1, no changes in Orinoco
- RA2 - Active, but limited on resources (3 active contributors)
- RI2 - Active, but limited on resources
- RC2 - Cedric Ollivier is now PTL and re-activated. 1 active contributor
- Functest, functest-kubernetes - active, relies on Cedric Ollivier alone
- Discuss in TSC
- Should we archive the inactive projects? We need to synch with the project contributors on this.
- Discuss Vineperf and Thoth status
- Focus resources on RM, R*2 and functest*
- A: Gergely Csatari to send out the assesment to the Tech Discuss mailing list
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5 min | - Orinoco - Orinoco Home
- #3389: [GOV]: Removing of James Gu from CODEOWNERS
- A: Beth Cohen to draft a blogpost about Orinoco
- A: Fabio Palumbo to check if creating a branch to vineperf, thoth, kuberef, barometer and opnfvdocs can be done by only pushing a branch or it needs some Releng magic.
- A: Gergely Csatari ask the committers of vineperf, thoth, kuberef and barometer to create branches
- A: Fabio Palumbo to do update the releng job to use the release branch in vineperf, thoth, kuberef, barometer and opnfvdocs
- A: Gergely Csatari to create the branches in Readthedocs
- A: Gergely Csatari to doublecheck the M5 criteria
- A: Gergely Csatari to doublecheck if the readthedocs branches were created
- Pieman planning
- New release names
| - Orinoco
- Pieman
- Schedule update waits for Orinoco
- Pieman milestones were created to GitHub, dates will be added once the schedule is set
- Release names