NOTE 2: The Zookeeper container used is the official zookeeper container from docker hub and not a custom built container.
Userguide: httphttps://docs.opnfv.orgopnfv-barometer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/release/userguide/
Collectd plugins & Feature guide: https://opnfv-barometer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/submodules/barometer/docs/release/userguide/feature.userguide.html
Barometer Docker Install Guide: https://opnfv-barometer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/release/userguide/installguide.docker.html
Barometer One Click Install Guide: https://opnfv-barometer.readthedocs.io/en/latest/release/userguide/installguide.oneclick.html
The following sections will describe each of the containers in more detail.
- The container will run as a privileged container.
- The collectd container should work standalone - Ansible will be used to disable plugins that aren't supported on the platform - but essentially if someone pulls the container image it should have everything built in and configured. It is still advised that the end user overrides the default configuration with appropriate configurations for each of the plugins.
- The container will use a CentOS 7 image.
- Ansible scripts will also be provided so that it can be configured and deployed at scale in any environment.
- NOTE DPDK plugins can be left out until the DPDK community pushes their new stats model and plugin to collectd.
barometer-snmpd container