The Reference Model (RM) specifies a virtualisation technology agnostic (VM-based and container-based) cloud infrastructure abstraction and acts as a "catalogue" of the exposed infrastructure capabilities, resources, and interfaces required by the workloads. This document has been was originally developed by Cloud iNfrastructure Telco Taskforce (CNTT), and now is maintained and further developed by the RM sub-project of Anuket.
Problem Statement: Based on community consultations, including telco operators, technology suppliers, and software developers, there is a realisation that there are significant technical, operational and business challenges to the development and deployment of VNF/CNF network applications related to the lack of a common cloud infrastructure platform. These include but are not limited to the following:
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Link to RM calendar
Work stream lead
Walter Kozlowski (Telstra) is the Works Stream Lead (WSL) for this project, email: walter.kozlowski@team.telstra.com
Regular meetings
Wednesdays @ 2021:00 UTC
Link: https://zoom.us/j/997256543?pwd=MWptM0F0Y1NpckhFVUgrZnM2TkJ0Zz09