Versions Compared


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  1. Al Morton (AT&T)
  2. Beth Cohen (Verizon)
  3. Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
  4. Emma Foley (Red Hat)
  5. Cédric Ollivier (Orange)
  6. Lincoln Lavoie  (UNH-IOL)
  7. Riccardo Gasparetto (Vodafone)
  8. Gergely Csatari (Nokia)
  9. Sridhar Rao  (Spirent)
  10. Trevor Cooper (Intel)

Absent (TSC)

  1. Mark Beierl (Canonical)
  2. Frank Brockners (Cisco)Trevor Cooper (Intel)
  3. Qiao Fu (China Mobile)
  4. Ahmed El Sawaf (STC)
  5. Georg Kunz (Ericsson)


  1.  Scot Steele (AT&T)
  2. Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)
  3. David McBride
  4. Jim Baker
  5. Heather Kirksey
  6. Ildiko
  7. Ulrich Kleber
  8. Brandon Wick
  9. Bob Monkman (Deactivated)
  10. James Gu
  11. jie niu
  12. Toshi Wakayama


5 min

Meeting Administration

Al MortonQuorum established. Minutes Approved.
5 min


  •  GB Committer Election in-progress (started , when nominations closed)
    •  Voting will take place via CVIS at the conclusion of the self-nomination period and will last 2 weeks.
  •  June Development Event - first week of June: forming planning committee NOW
  •   Meeting Duration: Shift back to a 60 minute meeting. In April and beyond?
  •  Reminder: Intern Proposals due April 5th to TSC.
Al Morton

Agreement that TSC meetings should be limited to 60 minutes instead of the current 90 minutes.  No objections by TSC.

Several people are working on intern proposals.  Details can be found in last week's meeting notes.

15 min

The marketing message materials have been moved in the the marketing area of the Anuket WIki.  The intention is to help operators and vendors improve business velocity.  Anuket Messaging Framework.  What is missing in the messaging frame is the how.  Suggest that we update the CNTT Getting Started docs done by Jonathan Beltran and bring them over to the Anuket Wiki.  We need to create user journeys for the three types of community members, Operators, Vendors – Infrastructure, application and others.  Good news, we have most of the materials, they need to be organized and mapped to the community roles.

Add that this is not just pleasing the Operators - about helping vendors increase their velocity and much less testing across the board. Badges for Infrastructure. The other side is the meaning of the test.  Better and more complete test suites means it is easier to add new features to the ecosystem.

How do we ensure success with next steps? - what does successful engagement look like?

Translate engagement blurbs into Vendor-specific statements (and other persona), Like Jonathan Beltran's getting started doc from CNTT. Take a fresh look at this.

todo: Cross-link the content from personas to the "getting started" wiki

Materials on the Ambassadors program here: Anuket Ambassadors for Outreach.  We are telco centric currently.  Need to extend our messaging to Enterprise type use cases as they relate to the basic mission.  Edge, 5G are the most promising use cases.

10 min
  •  Continue Release process discussions, Goals and Management
David McBrideHow do we measure progress, how do we track?
10 min

Close to Closure on Charter - still need discussion with Legal, several areas including CLA text (DCO) Jim Baker will help organize.

Long discussion on Meaningful Contribution Definition → active community members.  Anuket TSC Operations and Procedures document proposal for commenting Need feedback on the question of how to define meaningful contributions from TSC.

Mail asking for opinions on Active Community Member definition is here. Please provide your feedback.

Consider licensing choices.

10 min
WS Leads and PTLs

Some comments on the proposed assignments Pod 18 for Kuberef only.

Cédric Ollivier sent mail on Functest use of LFN services. Also there is a problem with verification jobs today. 

5 min

    Status Updates

    •  Linux Foundation Lab (Portland) hardware upgrade status
    •  LF IT/Infra update: (Aric GardnerTrevor Bramwell)

Trevor Bramwell

@ Aric Gardner

Cédric Ollivier lf-build5 and l-build6 are down which forbids job verification and docker buids. It basically means Anuket development has been down since this European's morning. It would be great to give all creds to the community to maintain this servers as they should be (see jenkins slaves, py2 for rapid, etc.)

5 min

Project Teams Gathering (PTG) on April 19-23 . More information about the event and registration is here:
0 min
  •  AOB

RA2/RC-2 discussions on new tests, please join if you want to dive into the Kubernetes requirement traceability.

Future Agenda Topics:

  •  How do we figure out who are the WS stream leads AND PTLs in an automated way? Mark Beierl

Outstanding Action Items

  •  Need the statement of Business value (focused on the vendor community) from the Marketing WG. 
  •  Need to do a poll, following a survey for M-release names.  Could choose ALL the names, if that's simpler!