- Agenda
- Agenda bashing
- Time of the RM meeting: The meeting has agreed to move RM meeting one hour later form the next week. Walter to make changes and send invites.
- Per's presentation: Kubernetes networking semantics
- Agenda:
- WG1 XGVela collaboration: Pankaj: Survey being edited according to best practice, Pankaj will send message to the RM team for review when is ready
- WG2 Acceleration: Petar: Hardware Acceleration Abstraction
- WG3 Storage: Beth: Beth to contact Karine
- WG4 K8s multi-networking and load balancing: Per: updated wiki with the presentation Kubernetes networking semantics
- WG5 ORAN collaboration: Tomas: Proposal: close this WG for now. Close the WG
- Review RM related Issues and PRs in github for Kali release:
- Chapter 3 structure: PR#2338 - Please review
- Profile and flavors: PR#2312, PR#2320, PR#2268 - Please review, Walter to put on the RM Agenda, invite Riccardo to join
- SFC: PR#2309 ready to be merged, #PR2319 Please review
- Use case review: No PR. Walter to review and create PR if needed. Volunteers are welcome. - Walter to put on the RM Agenda
- Security: Issues 2313 - 2318 raised, no PRs, Karine is working on it. Volunteers are welcome. Walter interested to help with Issue on Automation Security Issue 2317.
- Time synchronisation: Issues 2328 and 2329; Arkady working on PRs
- Acceleration: no issues no raised so far. Need to stay in sync with ORAN regarding APIs. Arkady raised issue 2342, not for Kali release.
- Networking semantics (based on Per's presentation): current contents fits into RA-2 rather than RM. What do we need in RM? Walter to put on the RM agenda.
- Agenda bashing
Anuket Kali release milestones: