The CNTT (Common NFVI Telecom Taskforce) launched officially in June. Its mission is to define a common NFV Infrastructure to simplify the development and deployment of virtualized networking application for the telecom industry. The group held its first community wide F2F meeting with around 80 vendor and operator attendees, with the objective of gathering requirements for the contents of the Release 2 document. CNTT develops Reference Models and Reference Architectures. This is a wiki space for using those outputs to create Reference Implementations and Reference Certifications.
Project description:
CNTT is currently working on the common NFVi reference model and reference architecture. The goals of CNTT can only be achieved if the model and architecture specifications end up being implemented as a reference for vendors to compare their commercial products against. Therefore, it is this project’s goal to work with upstream communities and other related projects in Anuket to create reference implementations as one or several scenarios of Anuket, along with required test cases and test frameworks.
Detailed mission for this project includes:
- This project will act a feature project which is responsible for defining RI scenarios that comply with the CNTT reference model and reference architectures.
- Work with upstream projects to defined RI details including detailed scenario descriptions and integration strategies.
- Work with relevant projects in Anuket, including installer projects, testing projects, infrastructure projects, to integrate, deploy and test RIs as part of Anuket release life-cycle.
- Implement a limited number of RIs that address CNTT reference architectures to meet operators’ requirements. Limit the number of RI to ensure limiting the VNF verification effort
- Develop test-cases for testing RI. These test cases could be used by the compliance program for verification and compliance.
- Work with LF Compliance and Verification Committee (CVC) to integrate RI, test cases and test frameworks within OVP compliance Framework.
As the Common NFVI initiative matures, project scope is expected to grow significantly. This project will periodically review scope and make recommendations to the TSC as to whether it should be split into multiple projects focusing on different areas, or whether it should remain a single project of OPNFV.
The project will act as the landing space for CNTT RA within Anuket, and will be a starting point for creating RIs. The scope of this project includes:
Project: Common Infrastructure Realization & Validation(CIRV)
The objective of the CIRV project is to work closely with related Anuket projects and upstream communities and fill gaps for cloud infrastructures defined in Anuket RAs. To perform initial POCs on these gaps and provide required inputs to Anuket Installers and testing projects.
CIRV is an umbrella project comprising multiple sub-projects. Its scope includes:
- To work with Anuket projects and related upstream communities for the adoption of Reference Architectures defined in Anuket.
- To translate RAs into deployable scenario descriptions, which can be considered
- Reference Implementations
- .
- To figure out gaps
- in the Anuket Reference Architecture definitions and work with
- upstreams or related projects in Anuket to close the gap.
- To work with installer projects
- to generate scenarios and
- deployale code
- for specific
- installer.
- To work with Anuket testing projects
- and provide inputs on gaps for test requirements and test cases
- in RI testing
- .
- To work with
- LFN Compliance and Verification Committee (CVC)
- for integrating RIs, test cases/frameworks with OVP
- Framwork.
Anuket Testing Projects that are already looking to meet CNTT requirements with new features should continue to do so.
- This project intends to follow and adhere to the gates and quality criteria used by OPNFV.
Documentation will be available on official Anuket Documentation portal and will include:
- Pointers to CNTT Reference Architectures for Common NFVI with related information on ingredients and configurations
- Gaps discovered from experience with integrating, deploying and testing RIs
- Reference implementation description for Common NFVI
- Test requirements for Common NFVI
- All documentation generated by CNTT-RI project will reside in CNTT main repository (migrate to OPNFV CNTT-RI repo in future).
- This project depends closely on the progress of CNTT.
- Much work can be done while the CNTT finishes its first RA
Committers and Contributors:
- Fu qiao (China Mobile) fuqiao@chinamobile.com
- Cédric OLLIVIER (Orange) cedric.ollivier@orange.com
- Trevor Cooper (Intel) trevor.cooper@intel.com
- Sridhar Rao (Spirent) sridhar.rao@spirent.com
- Lincoln Lavoie (UNH) lylavoie@iol.unh.edu
- Mark Beierl (Canonical) mark.beierl@canonical.com
- Chen Liang (China Mobile) chenliangyjy@chinamobile.com
- Bin Hu (AT&T) bh526r@att.com
- Kyle A Greenwell (Verizon) <Kyle.Greenwell@verizonwireless.com>
- <MBuil@suse.com>
- MURTUZA KHAN (AT&T) <mk721p@att.com>
- Rabi Abdel (Vodafone) <abdel.rabi@vodafone.com>
- William Bonnett (Verizon) william.bonnett@verizon.com
- Li Ying (China Mobile) liyingyjy@chinamobile.com
- Zhao Qihui (China Mobile) zhaoqihui@chinamobile.com
- Georg Kunz (Ericsson) georg.kunz@ericsson.com
- Pierre Lynch (Keysight) pierre.lynch@keysight.com
- Shiby Parayil (Iconectiv) sparayil@iconectiv.com
- Arif Khan (Voereir) arif@voereir.com
- Rajesh Rajamani rajesh.rajamani@spirent.com
Planned deliverables:
- Reference implementation for Common NFVI
- Test Requirements for Common NFVI
Proposed Meeting Frequency:
- This project will meet on a weekly basis.
Proposed Release Schedule:
- This project is planned for the first release in 2020 Q1.
Key Project Facts
Project Name: Common Infrastructure Realization & Validation (CIRV)
Repo name:
- CIRV: https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/admin/repos/cirv - main(primary) repo
- CIRV-SDV: https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/admin/repos/cirv-sdv - cirv software delivery validation
- CIRV-HDV: https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/admin/repos/cirv-hdv - cirv hardware delivery validation
- CIRV_Spirent: https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/admin/repos/cirv-spirent - adjunct repo, dedicated to Spirent, used for uploading/managing code contributions for RI/RC validations in direct support of CNTT
Lifecycle State: Approved
Primary Contact: Chen Liang <chenliangyjy@chinamobile.com>
Project Lead: Chen Liang <chenliangyjy@chinamobile.com>
- To perform initial POCs for gaps identified in Anuket Reference Architecture.
As the Common NFVi initative matures, the project scope is expected to grow significantly.
Key-Info (info.yaml)
project: 'Common Infrastructure Realization & Validation (CIRV)'
project_creation_date: '2019-09-17'
project_category: 'Integration and Testing'
lifecycle_state: 'Incubation'
project_lead: &opnfv_cirv_ptl
name: 'Parth Yadav'
email: 'parthyadav3105@gmail.com'
company: 'du.ac.in'
id: 'parthyadav'
timezone: 'IST'
primary_contact: *opnfv_cirv_ptl
type: 'jira'
url: 'https://jira.anuket.io/projects/CIRV'
key: 'CIRV'
type: 'groups.io'
url: 'anuket-tech-discuss@lists.anuket.io'
tag: '[CIRV]'
type: irc
server: 'freenode.net'
channel: '#opnfv-cirv'
- type: 'Zoom'
# yamllint disable rule:line-length
agenda: https://wiki.anuket.io/display/HOME/2021+Meeting+Minutes
# 2019-20 minutes: 'https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=25364128'
url: https://zoom.us/j/95106311750
repeats: 'weekly'
time: 'Wed 0830-0930 UTC'
- 'cirv'
- 'cirv-sdv'
- 'cirv-hdv'
- <<: *opnfv_cirv_ptl
- name: 'Trevor Cooper'
email: 'trevor.cooper@intel.com'
company: 'intel.com'
id: 'trev'
- name: 'Sridhar Rao'
email: 'sridhar.rao@spirent.com'
company: 'spirent.com'
id: 'sridharkn'
- name: 'Lincoln Lavoie'
email: 'lylavoie@iol.unh.edu'
company: 'iol.unh.edu'
id: 'lylavoie'
- name: 'Fu Qiao'
email: 'fuqiao@chinamobile.com'
company: 'chinamobile.com'
id: 'fuqiao'
- name: 'Chen Liang'
email: 'chenliangyjy@chinamobile.com'
company: 'chinamobile.com'
id: 'chenliangyjy'
approval: 'http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/opnfv-meeting/2019/opnfv-meeting.2019-09-17-13.01.log.html'
- type: 'rename'
name: 'CNTT-RI -> CIRV'
link: 'http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/opnfv-meeting/2019/opnfv-meeting.2019-10-29-13.00.log.html'
# yamllint enable rule:line-length
Sub Projects
- SDV (sdvstate, sdvconfig, sdvurl, sdvmodel, sdvsecurity)
Meeting Logistics
Anuket Bridge 2
Topic: CIRV weekly meeting
Time: 08:30 Universal Time UTC
Every week on Thursday
Slack Channel: #sdv