- Antitrust notices
- Walk-in items
Reference Architecture 2
- AOB & Project review
- sync with CNCF CNF-WG
- check CNFs test suite documentation to identify important tests (https://github.com/cncf/
- cnf-testsuite/blob/main/USAGE.md)
- feedback if any more important tests that are missing
- import findings into workload guidelines chapter in RA2
- Next meeting planned: https://lists.anuket.io/g/anuket-tech-discuss/viewevent?eventid=1419096&calstart=2022-02-16
- CFPs open for https://events.linuxfoundation.org/cloud-native-telco-day-europe/ CFP deadline: February 21, 2022
- RX-2 & Anuket assured CFP to share lessons learned and insights from Anuket
- Riccardo Gasparetto to involve RI2 and RC2
- Release planning dashboard:
- sync with CNCF CNF-WG
Reference Architecture 2
- AOB & Project review
- Permanent FYI
- CNF Working Group within CNCF - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YFimQftjkTUsxNGTsKdakvP7cJtJgCTqViH2kwJOrsc/edit
- Actions/Next steps