- Al Morton(AT&T)
- Scot Steele (Proxy for Walter)
- Emma Foley (Red Hat)
- Mark Beierl (Canonical)
- Sridhar Rao (Spirent)
- Charles Eckel (Cisco, proxy for Frank Brockners )
- Beth Cohen (Verizon)
- Gergely Csatari (Nokia)
- jie niu (China Mobile)
- Lincoln Lavoie (UNH-IOL)
- Rihab Banday (Ericsson, proxy for Georg Kunz )
Absent (TSC)
- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra) Scot Steeleis proxy for 13 and 20 July.Beth Cohen (Verizon)
- Frank Brockners (Cisco) Charles Eckel is proxy for July 13 and 20
- Lincoln Lavoie (UNH-IOL)
- =
- Trevor Cooper (Intel)
- Gergely Csatari (Nokia)
- Riccardo Gasparetto (Vodafone)jie niu (China Mobile)
- Cédric Ollivier (Orange)
- Ahmed El Sawaf (STC)
- Georg Kunz (Ericsson) Future: Rihab Banday is proxy on July 13, 20 and 27
Other Attendees
Time | Topic | Presenters | Notes |
5 min | Meeting Administration
| Al Morton | 10/15 Quorum |
5 min | Announcements
| Everyone is encouraged to complete the paperwork to become an Anuket Ambassador. It takes about 8 minutes to fill out. Jim Baker is leaving The LFN and retiring. Thank you from all the Anuket community!!!! Feel free to contact Jim on his private email: jim@starluna.com | |
10 min |
| TSC is aware of the status of RI1 and is in support to moving forward with M1 with RI1 being unsupported. M1 is approved by the TSC. M1 was slipped by 2 weeks. David McBriderecommends keeping the current schedule with M2, despite the slip of M1 by 2 weeks. The goal is to pass the RC test suites. RI is unlikely to ever 100% pass RC. What is the percentage or metric that should be used for how to accept R1x for release. Al Mortonthinks we should be more flexible about which tests are required to pass and which ones are not so important. Emma Foleysuggests that we put the tests in buckets and priority for passing. We need the traceability to determine what MUST pass and what should pass and what is nice to pass. We will move away from percentages, and just look at results. Number of tests that Pass/Fail based on the criteria set above. More details to be discussed at the release meetings on Friday. David McBride is OOO until July 26. Release process meetings for July 16 and July 23 are canceled. | |
10 min |
| Vote taken. Needs 2/3 majority for approval. 10 approved. New charter text is approved. | |
20 min |
| Update on AI/ML project. Needs a PTL. for the project. | |
5 min |
| Many white papers published. Surprised that many EUAG did not know of Anuket = need to talk with Anuket to understand what we do! Anuket Assured can benefit the EUAG members (Telcos). Anuket folks should read the testing white-papers. The first is a research paper on the current status of VNF testing suites. https://www.lfnetworking.org/publications/2021/03/30/white-paper-nfv-testing-and-automation-research-and-methodologies/ The second one is a position paper on recommendations for VNF testing https://www.lfnetworking.org/publications/2021/03/30/whitepaper-nfv-testing-and-automation/ Action item: Beth will present more details on what Anuket is and why it is beneficial to the EUAG community. | |
10 min |
| Gold level subscription = security and license scanning all repos mirrored over (TSC may need to archive some projects to help) Testing the CI now. Blocker is CLA implementation (mid-August), More next week! Credit-card issue to follow-up as well. | |
5 min |
| @ Aric Gardner | Jenkins back - gerrit plug-in issue Functest has reserved a LaaS machine to replace |
5 min |
| No updates at this time. | |
0 min | AOB | Done at 10:05 EST |
Action Items
- TSC seat abandonment on Agenda at