- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated) (GSMA)
- Bharath Kumar Bhaskar Kizhur (HPE)
- Petar Torre (Deactivated) (Intel)
- Rodrigues, João (Nokia) (Nokia)
- Agenda:
Introduce AF_XDP, #3314
- Linux Foundation Anti-Trust Policy No,
- Recording Policies:
- Agenda Bashing
- Orinoco release status (see below): RM Orinoco approved by TSC
Next Anuket release Orinoco schedule: M5 on 25th of July
RM Lead past Orinoco needed! Volunteers?
- We agree that it is worthwhile maintaining RM as long as it there is need (we will check e.g. with Sylva, Petar Torre (Deactivated) to organise organize a contact with Sylva) and to support and be aligned with RA-2
- Low cadence, low effort RM work would be an option
- Walter.kozlowski to present this view at TSC and Anuket task forceon 25th of July
- Orinoco status: RM ready, status of the overall release unknown
- Next RM meeting as a touch point: 19th of July
- Orinoco status update as per the following working table aligned to the above commitment (need to finalize PR#3271) :
- 26th of July
- Petar Torre (Deactivated)
RA-2 issue 3303 raised, will be followed by PR
PR#3371, text approved, diagrams missing
approved and merged
Security HW assist, #3296
Update Hardware Infrastructure Manager section in Chapter 3 (alignment with ODIM) #3228
17/06: Responses from Bharath Kumar Bhaskar Kizhur to be reviewed by Tomas Fredberg [Ericsson]
Hybrid Multi-Cloud - Multi-Cloud Interactions Model - Work/Standard/Technologies Supporting Realisation #3095
John Hartley : provide a plan and draft
Comments to Issue#3095 provided, waiting for response from John Hartley
Since this is cut-off date for this release, we have to take it in next release.
Added Hugepages metrics to Table 4.8, #3224
Approved and merged
Walter.kozlowski : reach out to Saad Sheikh SID
Walter.kozlowski : reach out to Rodrigues, João (Nokia)
Walter.kozlowski Pankaj.Goyal to work offline to discuss potential place in RM document. E.g. Public Cloud vs Private Cloud
Include a model for Paas #3225
[RM Chap8] Orchestration Unification #3326
Possible topic for Orinoco, TBC
Since this is cut-off date for this release, we have to take it in next release.
- to attend next TSc meeting to raise awareness of LFN Sylva project and start discussion on our approach towards collaboration or division of tasks between these two projects