Portrayal of Reference Implementation (discussion):
Full RI comes AFTER Meld is complete? See artifact discussion
Discussion Notes (with OPNFV-JERMA, CNTT, and Anuket - related discussions)
How do we characterize the JERMA Release Test Suite?
OPNFV provides the building-blocks (tests) for CNTT's RC.
Repeatable, consumable, stable.
Hand-off OPNFV-JERMA to RC activities and OVP badging (not the same)
Main goal OPNFV-JERMA is to work-out Release processes and Release testing, then hand-off to others.
More specifically, is JERMA an RC Tech Preview? Prototype? Beta? Experimental?
JERMA is the most comprehensive set of tests aligned to the CNTT RA-1 and RC-1.
NEED to follow OPNFV-JERMA Release with RC-1 Baldy, add new tests in the 'how to run the RC-1 tests' instructions (Baldy RC-1 point release is THE RC).
CNTT determines the definition of Compliance (test cases in RC).
Does the TSC agree that Jerma is a release of OPNFV project which can be consumed by CNTT to form the RC and RI?
Where does AIRSHIP stand with respect to
How do we evaluate Individual Projects w.r.t. OPNFV-JERMA release?
For the individual project: self-defined tests are sufficient for RC0/1 gate
There is a Release test plan for every project that is part of OPNFV-JERMA Release
How do evaluate AIRSHIP delivery w.r.t. CNTT RI ??
How is AIRSHIP Project Gated/evaluated as part of the JERMA Release?
Does the AIRSHIP Release Gate require RC-conformance == CNTT RI
For the individual project: self-defined tests are sufficient for RC0/1 gate
There is a Release test plan for every project that is part of OPNFV-JERMA Release
A further AIRSHIP Release Gate: Requires RC-conformance tests? Or CNTT RI tests?
Or, Is the JERMA Release of AIRSHIP self-gating?
Or, isNo RI delivered in JERMA - RI not defined - AIRSHIP is an RI Technical Preview only.
For Reference Compliance (RC) Test Projects (Integration projects)
Proposed Gates: install without errors, simple functional tests, success of more advanced features and automated with X-testing
Documentation (for third-party users of RD testing)
RC test suite is a technical preview of CNTT RC-1
Does the TSC agree that JERMA is a release of OPNFV projects which can be consumed to form the BALDY RC and/or RI?
or do we mean to say that OPNFV JERMA IS The RC and the RI ??
NEED to follow OPNFV-JERMA Release with RC-1 Baldy Update, add the new tests in the 'how to run the additional RC-1 doc' cookbook (IOW, Baldy RC-1 point release is THE definition of RC for RC-1).
Agreed: OPNFV accepts/approves JERMA RC-0, with exception for AIRSHIP
GitLab Pilot
Mark Beierl suggests this is about more than just a technology change. There should be time and effort reduction with moving to hosted. Requests that we could get clarity from LFN / Trevor Bramwell?