Project Name | CIRV-SDV |
Target Release Name | Kali |
Project Lifecycle State | TBDIncubation |
Provide a list of features or use cases, documented as Epics or Stories in Jira. Use the Jira issue insertion feature for Confluence.
- Epic: https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/CIRV-48
- Task-1: Openstack Security Checklist: https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/CIRV-49
- Epic: https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/CIRV-50
- Task-1: Implement PDF Latest (CNTT- Elbrus Release) : https://jira.opnfv.org/browse/CIRV-51
Release Artifacts
Artifact: Source Code, Documentation, Dockerfile.
High level architecture diagram
Insert diagram or link.Software Delivery Validation(SDV)
Internal Dependencies
List any Anuket projects on which this release is dependent and describe the dependencyAnuket Airship - Access to cluster, file-access, permission checking.
External Dependencies
List any external dependencies (OpenStack, ODL, etc.). Include specific versions, if relevant.
Test and Verification
Describe how the project will be tested and verified.
List any risks and a plan to mitigate each risk.
Openstack : Security Checklist. https://docs.openstack.org/security-guide/checklist.html
Test and Verification
Test against different openstack deployment - RI-1s
Risk Description | Mitigation Plan |
Access to openstack deployments | Collaborate with Airship Project to get access to testbeds. |