How we Work: 1 hour TSC meeting per week, augmented by weekly Technical Discussion meetings, off-line Voting on Wiki with comment periods, e-mail discussions.
Vacation Planning: Quorum Requirements, Proxy allocation policy
I expect more from TSC members than from the previous year: Showing-up at the TSC meeting once a week or voting on issues is just the beginning.
We need TSC members who are willing to volunteer to lead activities and participate in sub-committees to accomplish an important goal.
For anyone who participates outside the TSC meetings, that would mean reading the minutes, participating in off-line discussions and volunteering for the OPNFV activities that the TSC has agreed its members must lead.
I hope that you are all willing to affirm your active TSC membership: it’s not the same TSC anymore!
20 min
HPE Conformance tests
Review the HPE OVP submission and request for waiver on Bottlenecks and Yardstick tests.
Tempest Tests:There is a set/substitution of RH tempest tests that PASS; We don’t know what RH has tweaked, but they are versions of the named tempest tests.
A middle ground would be to run the Functest tempest tests (Hunter, version 21, supports Queens). There may still be compatibility issues, RH is not a part of compliance program. RHOSP 13 is bundled with upstream openstack Tempest 18 version - this is what HPE heard from RH.
Yardstick HA Tests: Four tests result in restoration with outages more that twice the SLA (5 seconds). These are the API restoration/response results.
Other implementations have passed these SLAs, BUT this is a trade-off between stability and restoration time. Recommendation is to include the Quantitative results as part of any statement on Exceptions (this is indicative of the general problem with threshold applicability).
vping tests: Additional log files show that the vping tests have passed (different from the log file on the Dovetail portal site).
Would like to know the specific reasons for failure – but Functest versions can’t be run at the moment – vacation.