This is a F2F, free event. If you can travel, please consider going.
Ulrich prefers not to represent Anuket in the meeting
Gergely can present if remote participation is possible
5 min
Anuket Assures Assured and CNCF CNF Certification collaboration
Gergely CsatariScot SteeleBeth Cohen to draft a mail sent to TAC and SPC about the need of multiple badges issued (CNCF CNF Certification and Anuket Assured) with one membership
Meeting agenda is published to the Anuket-tsc mailing list on Thursday the previous week of the TSC meeting’s week. In this way people could decide if they need proxies and instruct them about how to represent them
TSC meetings will be recorded, so people can check what was discussed beyond the meeting notes
We make mail voting, like this more often, so there is no need for online participation for decisions
Anuket and OPNFV Docker accounts hit the 200 pull / day limit of Docker Hub. The assumption was the LFN has a subscription for these Docker Hub accounts.