Note from Heather: If we take the "past 12 months" for determining active community members, it'll be a mix of "Anuket" (since Jan/2021) and earlier OPNFV/CNTT (until end of 2020) contributions. In case you're a contributor and your contributions might not have been captured (e.g. blogs, whitepapers, ..) by the tools automatically, raise it to the PTL of your project and eventually to the TSC. This is what the Sept-6 - Oct-1 "review of active contributor list" period is for. The number of contributors that will not be captured in the normal process is going to be small. There is already an alternate process for people whose contributions are not otherwise captured through the GitHub and Wiki automated system that is outlined in the Charter.
In case there is no PTL for the effort, contributors can directly contact the TSC (send email to anuket-tsc list).
Proposal to removal MAC rep from the election process. Several reasons for this. This is a very hard to fill role, Discussion of the MAC role pros and cons for including it in the election process. It is not specified either way in the charter. The TSC should take a vote on what to do about the MAC representative role.
The rep to the LFN TAC and SPC can be by default be the chair, but the chair can nominate someone else. Discussion to see if it makes sense to change to be an elected position. Requires that the charter be changed.
According to the Anuket Charter, Anuket TAC representative is a co-chair. Thus TAC representative should be removed from the election. There was a discussion on whether we still want to elect the TAC representative. – This has been handled in the charter, so no need for a vote.
Talked about Anuket and Anuket Assured on the EUAG Meeting. The decision at this time by the EUAG is to shelve joint discussions. The EUAG is currently focused on more research type activities related to AI/ML and not infrastructure at this time.
Request to to (re-)introduce Anuket Assured. either or 31.
No news on Anuket Assured marketing. Will be announcing this at the ONES Summit. Request for a company to spot light a product/service that is certified.
2 min
Feedback from (re-)introduction of Anuket Assured to EUAG