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Table of Contents


Project NameEnter the name of the project
Target Release NameJerma
Project Lifecycle StateIncubation


High level description of the goals for the project


Provide list of any OPNFV level requirements that are being addressed by the project for this release.  Provide links to requirements documented in RELREQ using the Jira embed tool for Confluence.  If none, enter "none".



Anuket Airship Installer is an OpenStack Airship based NFVi infrastructure deployment and lifecycle management software with the goals to support CNTT Reference Implementations for the OpenStack and Cloud Native Reference Architectures, and support the VNF and CNF testing and certifications.

In the Jerma release, the scope of Airship Installer project includes the continuous development of the OpenStack based deployment and initiation of the cloud native architecture.

  1. OpenStack Architecture
    • Upgrade OpenStack release to at least Stein, if available upstream, to Train.
    • Support OVS-DPDK (and SR-IOV)
    • Refresh software versions that Airship Installer depends on: OpenStack Helm charts, images, Kubernetes, Ubuntu OS (Bionic)
    • Address conformance testing bugs
    • Simply and Enhance deployment user experience
    • Further collaboration and integration with HDV/SDV development effort.
  2. Cloud Native Architecture
    • Proof of Concept Airship CNTT RI-2 deployment based on Airship 2.0 Beta release
    • Contribute to CNTT RA-2 and RI-2 specs
    • Support CNF conformance testing
    • Add Kubernetes conformance testing in upstream


Airship Installer will support the following OPNFV-level requirements:

Key SummaryNote

Infrastructure Requirements


Operations and LCM Requirements


Assurance Requirements Support Study

Airship Installer by default deploys cloud native Prometheus tool and collects metrics thru Prometheus exporters for OpenStack services, K8s nodes, processes. Airship Installer is open to other monitoring and metering tools.

Minimum OpenStack Major Release is Stein

Committed to support minimum release Stein, while working with upstream community for the possibility of moving to Train in the Jerma release time frame.

Release Artifacts

Indicate the work product (Executable, Source Code, Library, API description, Tool, Documentation, Release Note, etc) for this release.


Format (Container, Compressed File, etc.)

Airship manifestsA collection of CNTT RI specific Airship type and site manifests that declares the hardware, network, storage and software to be deployedyaml files
DocumentationAirship Deployment guide for both CNTT RI-1 and CNTT RI-2Guide


High level architecture diagram


Insert diagram or link.

Internal Dependencies

List any OPNFV projects on which this release is dependent and describe the dependency.

External Dependencies


Airship 1.x architecture can be found here:

Airship 2.0 architecture:

Internal Dependencies


External Dependencies

OpenStack Helm: provides OpenStack service Helm charts container images.

Airship 1.8 release: OpenStack Stein release, DPDK, various other enhancements and bug fixes.

Airship 1.9 release:  OpenStack Train release, and other enhancement and bug fixes. Note, the release time is still TBD and may not be available for Jerma release.

Airship 2.0 Beta and production release.

Test and Verification

Describe how the project will be tested and verifiedAirship Installer RI-1 gate will execute the FuncTest healthcheck, smoke, bencmark and VNF test suites.

Airship Installer R1-2 POC will execute the FuncTest CNF conformance testing (TBD).


List any risks and a plan to mitigate each risk.

Risk DescriptionMitigation Plan
Airship 1.9 release may not be ready for JermaAirship Installer RI-1 will be based on upstream Airship 1.8, and run OpenStack Stein release
Airship 2.0 Hardware not available in timeExplore a few partnership options. May only use one POD from UNH LAAS to start with.