Zoom link:
Please add your name in here:
- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)
- Rodrigues, João (Nokia) (Nokia)
- arkady kanevsky(Dell)
- Suresh Krishnan (Deactivated) (Kaloom)
- Tomas Fredberg [Ericsson] (Ericsson)
- Karine Sevilla(Orange)
- Per Andersson (Kaloom)
- Ulrich Kleber(Huawei)
- Agenda:
- Linux Foundation Anti-Trust Policy No,
- Recording Policies:
Agenda bashing
- Announcements:
- Page for virtual f2f proposals: https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/display/LN/2021+LFN+Developer+Event+Topics+June - Please put in your proposed topics! Deadline is May 14. There will be two types of sessions – pre-recorded, and interactive. Note the preferred time zone of the leaders to help with scheduling.
- KubeCon + CloudNativeCon North America 2021 (https://www.cncf.io/events/kubecon-cloudnativecon-north-america-2021/): October 12-15, 2021, Los Angeles; CFP Closes: Sunday, May 23 at 11:59 pm PDT
- K8s subgroup de facto standard: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ny03h6IDVy_e_vmElOqR7UdTPAG_RNydhVE1Kx54kFQ/edit#heading=h.hylsbqoj5fxd
- Kali Release PRs:
PR#2320: "Basic and High Performance Flavor profiles": proposal to to stop working on this PR, and replace it by PR#2384: Decision: work first on PR#2405: REVIEWS needed
- PR#2384: "Rewrite 4.2" : On hold, pending finalisation of PR#2405
PR#2385: "[RM Ch09] Tenant Networking Automation": Merged
- PR#2386: "[RM 3.5.4] Time Sensitive Networking": replacing PR#2347: Merged
- PR#2387: "Virtual Network": referring to 3.5 Network: Merged
PR#2399: "[RM Ch04] Update Section 4.1 capabilities #2399": pending finalisation of PR#2405
- PR#2404 "update chapter 3MD for time sensitive networks": https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/pull/2404"
- PR#2407: "[RM Ch04] Obsolete CNTT policies #2407": need 1 more approval
PR#2412: "[CNTT Artefacts] Figures exist in RM #2412": minor, need 2 more approvals
- Kali Release Issues:
Issue#2067: "Review use-cases that are used for the analysis": Help needed
Issue#2135:"[RM Ch03] "Illogical sub chapter order": closed by PR#2387
- Issue#2313: "[RM Ch07] "Zero trust environment": No PRS, need to assigned and resolved: Karine Sevillaplanning to cover
Issue#2314: "[RM Ch07] "Multi-Cloud security]: No PRS, need to assigned and resolved resolved HELP NEEDED (or candidate for BACKLOG)
- Issue#2315: "[RM Ch07] "Open source Software]: No PRS, need to assigned and resolved Work in progress by Karine Sevilla
- Issue#2316: "[RM Ch07] "Storage of sensitive data": No PRS, need to assigned and resolvedresolved Karine Sevillaplanning to cover
- Issue#2317: "[RM Ch07] "Automation security": assigned to Walter.kozlowski, PR#xxxx (work in progress)
Issue#2322: "[GOV][RM] Fix or at least precise backwards compatibility and release support": This Issue refers to Sec, where RM talks about backward and forward compatibility of profiles, not about compatibility of releases. Proposal: to reassign this Issue from RM to TSC (where Release Mgmt is defined)Issue#2328: "[RA2 Ch3.8] Define SyncE requirement": closed
Issue#2334: "[RM][RA1][RA2] Streamline names of flavours": should be closed by PR#2384
Issue#2352: "[RM Common] Common - Technical Policies": assigned to Walter.kozlowski, PR#xxxx (work in progress)
Issue#2353: "[RM Ch03] SFC Section 3.5.1 Architecture": proposes to add an ER diagram: assigned to Kumar Sumangit, need to raise PR and include the diagram PR#2345 in REVIEW
Issue#2354: "[RM Ch02] Workload Profiles": assigned to Pankaj.Goyal: umbrella issue for Issues 2366 and 2368
Issue#2365: "[RM Ch04] 4.3 Networking Section doesn't belong in Chapter 4": proposal: Move it under 3.5 "Network". See: https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/blob/pgoyal01-RM-patch-Ch-4-2/doc/ref_model/chapters/chapter04.md for the new context, also possible changes to Chapter 5 because of repetitions in new Chapter 4, Tomas → advise about moving 4.3 into 3.5, or creating a separate Chapter
Issue#2366: "[RM Ch04] Align RM 4.2 with Chapter 02 - Node & Workload Profiles": assigned to Pankaj.Goyal, should be resolved by PR#2384: "Rewrite 4.2"
Issue#2368: "[RM Ch05] Modify 5.1 and 5.2 around Workload Profiles and Workload Flavours": Need to be resolved after PR#2384 is done
Issue#2369: assigned to Riccardo Gasparetto: "[RM Ch02] 2.4.2 Node Flavours align with updates to RM Section 4.2": No PRS, need to assigned and resolved, relation to Issues#2366, 2354, 2368?
Issue#2388: "[RM Chxx] Alignment to NG.126 2.0 reg Appendix A": assigned to Walter.kozlowski
- Issue#2389: "[RM Chxx] Alignment to NG.126 2.0 reg Appendix B": assigned to Walter.kozlowski
Issue#2398: "[RA1 RM Ch04] Define missing capabilities in 4.1 #2398": RM or RA-1? profiles and flavours
Issue#2420: "Network semantics": Per Andersson
- Issue #2418 and PR #2419 (https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/pull/2419) opened to cleanup Common/policies. Please review. Thanks
Anuket Kali release milestones:
M0 | Start of release |
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M1 | Release planning |
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M2 | Scope Freeze |
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M3 | Content Freeze |
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M4 | Proofreading |
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M5 | Release Readiness |
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M6 | Release |
Arkady added Acceleration Abstraction Layer common kubernetes labeling proposal - https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/16jTxhV1vBKwdGKi9jodBZx1yw07mXiBrbkerDMgb03w/edit?usp=sharing
Per Andersson
I added the NW orchestration slides at https://wiki.anuket.io/download/attachments/7635676/Kubernetes%20Network%20Orchestration%20v1.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1620329597702&api=v2
Walter Kozlowski
Per Andersson, thank you!