Zoom link:
- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- Pankaj.Goyal(Microsoft)
- Sunny Yeung (Telstra)
- Per Andersson(Kaloom)
- Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated) (GSMA)
- Mark Cornall (GSMA)
- Petar Torre (Intel)
- Agenda:
- Linux Foundation Anti-Trust Policy No,
- Recording Policies:
- Agenda Bashing
- Cleanup of work space (RM wiki)
- Introduction of Sunny Yeung (Telstra)
- Announcements
- This is the RM. document on Read the Docs: https://cntt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ref_model/README.html
- LFN DTF Workshop 14 - 15 March
- https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/x/hJEZB - Outcomes and impacts to RM
- Migration of RM to rst - outstanding issues, actions and automation (let's do what we preach ...) - Gergely and Cedric (TBC)
- Readthedocs: https://cntt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- Section numbers will not be visible in GitHub, will be generated automatically in readtehdocs
- Figure number - the same, Table numbers - Cedric will check
- Cedric is preparing a guide to rst transition
- Pankaj.Goyal: "bug" issues: #2716 - 2720; All → review PR#2854
- Next release (Moselle) planning - Issue and PR review
- Milestone M2 - Scope Freeze, 22 Mar 2022 - done in Moselle Specification Planning Dashboard, in alignment with the table below
- Next Milestones: M3 -Contents Freeze - 19th of April, M4- Proofreading - 17th May ; should we propose extending M3? proposal to extend by 2 weeks for RM, RA-1, RA-2 at TSC
- Moselle Issues review and updates
- Moselle PRs review and updates
- Infrastructure LCM Automation (under PR#2851): we need to agree on the definition of Inventory in this context. Alternatively, we can split the current definition of Inventory into few "more traditional" functions like CMDB, Discovery etc.
Issue # | Deliverable | Comments |
Issue # | Deliverable | Comments |
2794 | Hybrid Multi-Cloud | Updates to:
2793 | Security | Developments on:
2795 | Storage | Updates to storage: storage sections are under review by John Hartley
2087 | Infrastructure LCM Automation (revised title) | Walter.kozlowskito start PRs for the Issues:
2785 | General PaaS Services | Section 5.1.5 lists a set of General PaaS Services. We will specify requirements for each of these services -- an issue will be opened for each service. - Pankaj.Goyalto start work on contents in wiki page (RM Work Spaces) and PRs (collaborate with Per Andersson) |
"Orphans" = Moselle Issues not in scope table:
2828 (- Karine to add to scope?)
2727 (Walter?) - updates to Abbreviations (part of editorial work)
2725 (John?) Walter to discuss with John
2067 (use cases)
RM needs to decide what to do with them.
Possibly for Sunny
Actions :
- John Hartley and Walter.kozlowski discuss offline Issue#2725 "tenants" vs "tenancy"
- Pankaj.Goyal present at the next RM meeting "bug" issues: #2716 - 2720
- Pankaj.Goyal to drive work on Issue#2785 (general PaaS) in wiki page RM Work Spaces
- Walter.kozlowski start cleanup of Abbreviations (Issue#2727)
- Petar Torre (Deactivated) and Per Andersson to review and clean up wiki page on H/w Acceleration, and report to RM meeting about possible updates based on technology development
- All: start working on contents/PRs for Moselle Issues