- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- Suresh Krishnan (Deactivated) (Kaloom)
- arkady kanevsky(Dell)
- Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated) (GSMA)
- Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)
- Tomas Fredberg [Ericsson] (Ericsson)
- Riccardo Gasparetto(Vodafone)
- Sukhdev Kapur (Juniper)
- Per Andersson (Kaloom)
- Agenda and Minutes
- Agenda bashing
- Time of the RM meeting: The meeting has agreed to move RM meeting one hour later form the next week. Walter to make changes and send invites.
- Per's presentation: Kubernetes networking semantics Time of the RM meeting (mark 2): The meeting has agreed to move RM meeting one hour later form the next week. However, there are concerns, hence another solution may be needed. Meeting agreed to have alternating times: at 14:00 UTC and 21:00 UTC (every other week): Walter to change / send invites and info
- Chapter 3 structure: Hardware acceleration and SFC; where to put them: leave theses sections as separate
- Profile and flavors: PR#2312 (approved and merged), PR#2320, PR#2268
- Use case review: No PR raised so far.
- Security: Issues 2313 - 2318 raised, PR? PR#2343 under review
- Time synchronization: PR# 2347 under review (sec 3.4 and 3.9)
- Networking semantics (based on Per's presentation): current contents fits into RA-2 rather than RM. What do we need in RM? Per to raise a PR for 3.5.2
- SFC: PR#2319 ready to merge
- Global update to RM doc from CNTT to Anuket