- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- Pankaj.Goyal(Microsoft)
- Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated) (GSMA)
- Tomas Fredberg [Ericsson] (Ericsson)
- Joel Zhou(LinbitLINBIT)
- Karine Sevilla(Orange)
- Per Andersson(Kaloom)
Ildiko(Open Infra) - John Hartley (Ericsson)
- Agenda:
- Linux Foundation Anti-Trust Policy No,
- Recording Policies:
- Agenda Bashing
- Announcements
- M1 - Release Definition, 1 Feb 2022 - Approved by TSC
- Fierce Technology Cloud Networking Blitz Week covered many interesting for us topics with a special session on Cloud Native applications in telco, and a session on Hybrid Multi-Cloud. The sessions are recorded and can be accessed by anyone who registers in https://www.fiercedigitaltechevents.com/fiercedigitaltechevent/cloud-networking-blitz-week
- LINBIT documentation review - discussion
- Discussion about role LINBIT may play in Anuket based on provided documents and presentation by Joel Zhu Zhou
- LINFOR LINSTOR versus Ceph
- Next release (Moselle) planning - Issue and PR review
- Next Milestone: M2 - Scope Freeze, 22 Mar 2022
- Multi-cloud summary table and examples (PR#2676) (John Hartley)
- Moselle Issues review and updates
- Updates to Moselle Specification Planning Dashboard
Actions (from previous meeting):
- Joel to send the LINBIT documentation
- Joel to review sec 3.6 (and referred sections) of RM to identify where LINSTOR can fit into this model, and also what LINBIT can contribute to RM
- All to review LINBIT documentation
- Walter to add a second discussion on LINBIT to the Agenda of the next RM meeting
- John to add issue on APIs for multi cloud
- Walter to add Issue on reg/security for multi cloud (added as Issue#2804)
- All: review, update Issues, update PRs and Moselle Specification Planning Dashboard, start working on contents as discussed
- Linbit (Joel )will help to review RM storage requirements when they are developed (John Hartley leading)
- Linbit(Joel) to join RA-1 meetings regarding Linbit engagement (Karine, Cedric leading)
- Linbit next step: engage with Kubernetes based RA-2