Please add your name in here:
- Walter Kozlowski (Telstra)
- Pankaj Goyal (AT&T)
- Tom Van Pelt (GSMA)
- Karine Sevilla (Orange)
- Beth Cohen (Verizon)
- Sukhdev Kapur (Juniper Networks)
- Tomas Fredberg (Ericsson)
- Toshiyasu Wakayama (KDDI)
- @Mehmet Toy (Verizon)
- Suman Kumar (Samsung)
- Trevor Cooper (Intel)
- Suresh Krishnan (Kaloom)
- Mehmet
- Agenda
- Elbrus release update: https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/tree/stable/elbrus/doc/ref_model Please review for typos or minor bug fixing (contents is frozen now)
- IMPORTANT: New Anuket RM list: to subscribe please email to rm+subscribe@lists.anuket.io
- Our new page (Anuket RM page): https://wikilf-anuket.anuketatlassian.ionet/wiki/display/HOME/RM All RM members invited to contribute to this page; RM Agendas and Minutes will be housed there as well
- Anuket TSC updates: see Anuket TSC home page: https://wikilf-anuket.anuketatlassian.ionet/wiki/display/HOME/TSC+HOME
- Anuket launch update: 27 January PR announcement; Elbrus and RM Elbrus updates announced as a part of the Anuket launch
- Next vF2F conference in February 2021: 2021 February LFN Developer & Testing Forum. Registration (IMPORTANT): https://www.cvent.com/events/lfn-developer-testing-forum-february-2021/registration-1d9cfc23a0a540899dd408575d6d3b55.aspx?ct=50221cf5-5496-4c34-9ec0-3b52b1bf1204
- Review RM Issues for closure or next release (date of the next release to be defined)
- CNTT Elbrus Release Cycle
- M3 Contents Freeze: 15 January 2021,
- M4 Proofreading Freeze: 22 January 2021
- M5 Release Candidate : 26/01
- M6 Release Signoff: 29/01
Network/Hardware Management Hardware Infrastructure Management: function and APIs Tomas, Walter HighElbrus MVP PR#2144 approved, merged Primary & secondary networking Tomas, Suresh, Gergely MediumElbrus MVP PR#2155 approved, merged Operations Security (workloads and infrastructure) - alignment with ONAP Karine, Amy, Pankaj Closed for Elbrus Done from Elbrus MVP perspective
Karine reviewing FS.31 and FS.40 from GSMA FASG from the possible alignment perspective for post Elbrus
Operations and Life-cycle Management Closed for Elbrus PR#2129 approved, mergedContents in Sec 9.5Missing contents for 9.5.1 Infrastructure LCM Automation - post_ElbrusAutomation (closed loop automation) Closed for Elbrus Gap 10.3.6 raised in Chapter 10
Observability/telemetry Sukhdev, Zlatko, Petar Closed for Elbrus Sec 9.6 Acceleration Hardware acceleration abstraction Petar, Tomas, Per, Walter Closed for Elbrus Sec 3.8 Storage Karine, Petar Closed for Elbrus Work in progress on structure Special use cases Load balancing Per, Sukhdev Closed for Elbrus Sec 10.3.2 (gap defined) Mutual discovery (workloads/infrastructure) Sukhdev, Tomas Closed for Elbrus Sec 10.3.1 (gap defined) Service function chaining Suresh, Sukhdev Closed for Elbrus Sec 3.5.1 Model for Enterprise Cloud and Edge Walter, Pankaj, Ahmed Closed for Elbrus Chapter 8 Alignment with ONAP Investigate topics other than security Petar Ongoing Petar to present to RM meeting Alignment with GSMA OPG Investigate alignment points Walter Ongoing Depends on outcomes of joint OITF and OPG meetings Alignment with ORAN? Influence ORAN regarding telco cloud Ongoing Tomas raised this question as he participates in WG 6. Karine to find out how we could discuss possible dependencies, alignments, cloud principles.... Alignment with ODIM Martin Ongoing Bring to this meeting the actions, comments from previous sessions and vF2F Granularity of RM profiles Ongoing Issue 2068Ricardo as the new RA-2 leader has joined RM meetings R2view of RM Chapter 2 use cases All Ongoing Issues 2067 Actions:
- GSMA non-members who want to participate in OITF please contact Tom Van Pelt , tpelt@gsma.com. Those who are interested in GSMA PRD FS.31 - it is available at https://www.gsma.com/security/resources/fs-31-gsma-baseline-security-controls/
- Cloud Native Network Functions (CNF) Working Group: https://github.com/cncf/cnf-conformance/pull/450