Zoom link:
Please add your name in here:
- Walter Kozlowski (Telstra)
- Tomas Fredberg [Ericsson] (Ericsson)
- Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)
- Per Andersson (Kaloom)
- Sukhdev Kapur(Juniper Networks)
- Rodrigues, João (Nokia) (Nokia)
- Petar Torre (Deactivated) (Intel)
- Karine Sevilla (Orange)
- Trevor Cooper(Intel)
- Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated) (GSMA)
- Suresh Krishnan (Deactivated) (Kaloom)
- Toshi Wakayama(KDDI)
- Gergely Csatari (Nokia)
- Agenda
- Agenda bashing
- Elbrus release update: https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/tree/stable/elbrus/doc/ref_model
- IMPORTANT: New Anuket RM list: to subscribe please email to rm+subscribe@lists.anuket.io
- New invites have been sent to this list, old invite has been revoked
- New series calendar link: https://lists.anuket.io/g/rm/ics/9786299/320306117/feed.ics
- Our new page (Anuket RM page): https://wiki.anuket.io/display/HOME/RM All RM members invited to contribute to this page; RM Agendas and Minutes are hosted there as well
- Anuket TSC updates: see Anuket TSC home page: https://wiki.anuket.io/display/HOME/TSC+HOME
- Feb '21 LFN vF2F feedback,; conference summaries with action points: https://wiki.lfnetworking.org/display/LN/2021+February+Daily+Summaries
- xgVela collaboration stream of work (see actions from 3 Feb)
- Acceleration stream of work (see actions from 4 Feb)
- Storage stream of work (see actions from 4 Feb)
- Memory optimization feedback and action from the conference (see actions from 2 Feb)
- Review RM Issues for closure or next release (date of the next release to be defined)
- OITF update
- GSMA non-members who want to participate in OITF please contact Tom Van Pelt , tpelt@gsma.com. Those who are interested in GSMA PRD FS.31 - it is available at https://www.gsma.com/security/resources/fs-31-gsma-baseline-security-controls/
- Cloud Native Network Functions (CNF) Working Group: https://github.com/cncf/cnf-conformance/pull/450