HW issues in pod 10, 15 and 18. Needs a working AS
Suggested to share pod 17 (read only)
10 minutes
Airship 1.8 deploy in LaaS HPE POD
James Gu
In progress. Worked thru issues with gen10 setup. Genesis is complete. Investigating drydock pxe call failure.
3 node AS 2.0 cluster is up in wwt lab! Need to pull latest form last couple of weeks and align with treasure map and airshipctl, expecting baremetal reference in upstream 2.0.
bios changes required for Redfish, not tested for AS 1.8
HPE redfish flavor plugin TBD
15 minute
suggest to containerize AS deploy so cross test ci can generate the Jenkins jobs
expect to work on the openstack blacklist tomorrow
5 min
OS Train
starting the work in upstream
L2/L3 support needs follow up discussion with RA spec and upstream
Action items
James Gu @Arijit Port the downstream AS deploy contianer to upstream or Anuket
James Gu @Arijit discuss how to parellize the 1.8 and 2.0 deployment on the shared pod