What is the purpose of this paper? Who is the audience? What should the reader get from reading?
A succinct definition of what is the NFVI/VIM (In the initial paper, the VIM is based upon OpenStack)
What is important in the NFVI/VIM?
General concepts in what is important in maintaining a healthy NFVI/VIM. Not just compute, networks are key. Services? Correlation across metrics, nodes, logs.
What is 50ms and is it Important?
Where did the 50ms requirement come from and is it still relevant? Correlation across nodes...
Monitoring Specifics
Polling frequencies
1 second, 15 seconds, etc… A mix of polling frequencies. Too much data?
What to Monitor?
Specific metrics to monitor (cpu,...)
Metrics, plugins and TST008
Specific infrastructure events to monitor (interface link status, etc...)
Specific VIM (OpenStack,SDN,etc...) services to monitor
How to Monitor
Getting the Metrics (Collectd)
Getting the Events (Collectd+Logs+others)
An Example Setup
Monitoring setup, tools, etc…